首页> 外文期刊>Geografiska annaler >American liberal education and the civic university: 'citizenship' and 'learning' at the American University of Beirut

American liberal education and the civic university: 'citizenship' and 'learning' at the American University of Beirut


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This article examines constructions of citizenship' and learning' in university initiatives and curricula at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon, contributing to theorizing in critical geographies of education. The methodology entailed examining: (i) educational rationales from the AUB archive (1922-2012); (ii) university catalogues (1880-2015) and (iii) contemporary university initiatives from the AUB website. This empirical examination is contextualized in relation to: (i) discourses on the mission of higher education including nation-building, the civic' university and its local embeddedness, and (ii) the neoliberal internationalization of higher education. These constructions of citizenship' and learning' are also socio-politically located in relation to the post-colonial history of the institution and region. My empirical analysis identifies three themes: discourses of the moral' role of education at AUB, its importance in a precarious region, and discourses of common values' amongst a diverse student body. I illustrate how these contested discourses of citizenship' and learning' are situated both within a discourse of the civic university, yet simultaneously negotiated and in tension with discourses and practices of neoliberalism in higher education. Despite these challenges, I propose that the post-colonial particularities of AUB in the region construct a space that enables faculty and students to exercise their agency.
机译:本文探讨了黎巴嫩贝鲁特美国大学(AUB)的大学计划和课程中“公民意识和学习”的建构,这有助于对重要的教育地理学进行理论化。该方法需要审查:(i)AUB档案库中的教育原理(1922-2012年); (ii)大学目录(1880-2015),以及(iii)AUB网站上的当代大学计划。这种实证检验与以下情况相关:(i)关于高等教育使命的论述,包括国家建设,公民大学及其在当地的嵌入性;以及(ii)高等教育的新自由主义国际化。这些“公民身份”和“学习”的结构在政治上也与该机构和地区的后殖民历史有关。我的实证分析确定了三个主题:关于道德在AUB中的教育作用的论述,它在不稳定地区的重要性以及在不同学生群体中关于共同价值观的论述。我说明了这些关于公民权和学习的争议性话语如何既位于公民大学的话语中,又在高等教育中与新自由主义的话语和实践同时进行谈判并处于紧张状态。尽管存在这些挑战,但我建议,AUB在该地区的后殖民地特色应营造一个空间,使教职员工和学生能够行使其代理权。



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