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Sex role stereotypes: does business education make a difference


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Studies indicate that a managerial pro-male bias still exists. While managers and females have begun to view women as possessing managerial attributes, male students, on average, still tend to stereotype the managerial role using a pro-male bias. Based on research by Heilman and by Lord and Maher, the purpose of this paper is to propose that business students, who are exposed to a curriculum that emphasizes the importance of diversity, as recommended by AACSB, will exhibit fewer gender stereotypes. Design/methodology/approach - Using the Schein Descriptive Index, three groups of university students were surveyed to determine whether individuals exposed to formal management education experience a reduction in "men as manager" stereotypes. The hypothesis was tested using interclass correlation coefficients (r~1) from two randomized-groups analysis of variance. Findings - The hypothesis was not supported and the findings indicate that students in the business administration program stereotyped the managerial role to a greater degree than those not enrolled in the business administration program. Research limitations/implications - Further studies should be conducted to determine if the findings of this particular study are universal across college campuses. Practical implications - Business schools must evaluate the methods that are being used to teach diversity in management education. Originality/value - The authors' unique approach focuses on the sample as an important element when studying gender bias in management. Given the state of the economy and the cuts to university programs, by determining where bias occurs, diversity education in the university environment can be better utilized for optimal impact.
机译:研究表明,管理上的男性偏见仍然存在。尽管管理人员和女性已经开始将女性视为具有管理属性,但平均而言,男学生仍然倾向于使用亲男性偏见来刻板地管理女性。根据Heilman和Lord and Maher的研究,本文的目的是建议商学院的学生,按照AACSB的建议,接受强调多样性重要性的课程,其性别刻板印象较少。设计/方法/方法-使用Schein描述性指数,对三组大学生进行了调查,以确定接受正式管理教育的个人是否减少了“以人为经理”的定型观念。使用来自两个随机分组方差分析的类间相关系数(r〜1)检验假设。调查结果-该假设不受支持,调查结果表明,与未参加工商管理计划的学生相比,在工商管理计划中的学生对管理角色的刻板印象更大。研究的局限性/意义-应该进行进一步的研究,以确定这项特定研究的结果是否在大学校园中普遍存在。实际意义-商学院必须评估在管理教育中教授多样性的方法。原创性/价值-作者的独特方法将样本作为研究管理中性别偏见的重要因素。考虑到经济状况和削减大学课程的情况,通过确定偏向发生的地方,可以更好地利用大学环境中的多元化教育来产生最佳影响。



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