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Variability in lag-duration of Campylobacter spp. during enrichment after cold and oxidative stress and its impact on growth kinetics and reliable detection

机译:Campylobacter SPP滞后持续时间的变异性。在冷和氧化胁迫后富集及其对生长动力学的影响和可靠的检测

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Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli continue to be the leading cause of zoonotic gastroenteritis in the European Union, making reliable detection in food important. Low storage temperatures and atmospheric oxygen concentrations during food production can cause sub-lethal damage or transient non-culturability which is why ISO 10272-1:2017 includes an enrichment step to repair cell damage and increase cell concentrations, thereby supporting detection of campylobacters from foods.The aim of this study was to assess the variability in lag-duration of C. jejuni and C. coli during enrichment after different food-relevant stress treatments and evaluate its impact on growth kinetics and reliability of detection outcomes. Therefore, 13 C. jejuni and 10 C. coli strains were subjected to cold stress during refrigerated and frozen storage. Refrigerated storage did not significantly reduce culturability, but frozen storage reduced cell concentrations by 1.6 +/- 0.1 log(10)cfu/ml for both species.Subsequently, cells were enriched following ISO 10272-1:2017-A and cell concentrations were determined over time and lag-duration and growth rate were determined by fitting the Baranyi-model. Without prior stress treatment, mean lag-duration for C. jejuni and C. coli was 2.5 +/- 0.2 h and 2.2 +/- 0.3 h, respectively. Refrigerated storage increased lag-duration for C. jejuni to 4.6 +/- 0.4 h and for C. coli to 5.0 +/- 0.4 h and frozen storage increased lag-duration to 5.0 +/- 0.3 h and 6.1 +/- 0.4 h for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively.Comparison of strain- and biological variability showed that differences in recovery after cold stress can be attributed mainly to strain variability since strain variability after refrigeration and freeze stress increased respectively 3-fold and 4-fold while biological variability remained constant.A subset of strains was also subjected to oxidative stress that reduced cell concentrations by 0.7 +/- 0.2 log(10) cfu/ml and comparison of recovery patterns after oxidative and freeze stress indicated that recovery behaviour was also dependent on the stress applied. A scenario analysis was conducted to evaluate the impact of heterogeneity in outgrowth kinetics of single cells on the reliability of detection outcomes following ISO protocol 10272-1:2017. This revealed that a 'worst-case'-scenario for successful detection by a combination of the longest lag-duration of 7.6 h and lowest growth rate of 0.47 h(-1) still resulted in positive detection outcomes since the detection limit was reached within 32.5 h. This suggests that other factors such as competitive microbiota can act as a causative factor in false-negative outcomes of tested food samples.
机译:Campylobacter Jejuni和Campylobacter Coli仍然是欧盟的胃肠炎胃炎的主要原因,使食物中可靠的检测重要。低储存温度和食品生产过程中的大气氧浓度可导致亚致死的损伤或瞬态非培养性,这就是为什么ISO 10272-1:2017包括修复细胞损伤和增加细胞浓度的富集步骤,从而支持从食物中检测弯曲杆菌。本研究的目的是评估在不同食物相关的应激治疗后富集的C. Jejuni和C.Coli的滞后持续时间的变异性,并评估其对生长动力学的影响以及检测结果的可靠性。因此,在冷藏和冷冻储存期间,13℃jejuni和10c.coli菌株对冷应激进行冷凝。冷藏储存没有显着降低培养性,但是将冷冻储存降低的细胞浓度为1.6 +/- 0.1对数,均为物种的CFU / mL。富集细胞富集ISO 10272-1:2017-A和细胞浓度并测定细胞浓度随着时间的推移和滞后期和增长率是通过拟合Baranyi模型来确定的。没有现有的应力处理,分别为C.Jejuni和C.Coli的平均滞后持续时间分别为2.5 +/- 0.2小时和2.2 +/- 0.3小时。冷藏储存将C. Jejuni的滞后持续时间增加至4.6 +/- 0.4小时,Coli为5.0 +/- 0.4小时,冷冻储存将滞后持续时间增加至5.0 +/- 0.3 H和6.1 +/- 0.4小时对于C.Jejuni和C.CALI,分别是菌株和生物可变性的比较,表明冷应力后恢复的差异主要是由于在冷藏后的应变变异性分别增加3倍和4倍后,恢复后的差异主要归因于应变变异性。虽然生物可变性保持恒定。菌株的子集也经过氧化应激,即减少细胞浓度0.7 +/- 0.2对数(10)CFU / mL,并在氧化和冷冻胁迫后的回收模式的比较表明恢复行为也取决于依赖性关于施加的压力。进行了情景分析,以评估单细胞异质性在单细胞的过度动力学对ISO协议10272-1:2017后检测结果可靠性的影响。这表明,通过最长滞后持续时间为7.6小时的组合和0.47h(-1)的最长滞后速度的组合的“最坏情况”场景仍然导致阳性检测结果,因为在内部达到了检测限32.5小时这表明其他因素如竞争性微生物群可以作为测试食品样品的假阴性结果的致病因素。



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