首页> 外文期刊>Food Analytical Methods >Improvement of Water Status Methodology for Leafy Vegetables Reduces Consumption of Time, Skilled Labor, and Laboratory Resources

Improvement of Water Status Methodology for Leafy Vegetables Reduces Consumption of Time, Skilled Labor, and Laboratory Resources


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When determining the water status of leafy vegetables with oven-drying techniques, consumption of time and resources is inevitable. The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of both relative water content (RWC) and free water and bound water content (FW–BW) techniques to obtain the water content index (WC) of different leafy vegetables in order to dispense with the traditional methodology for water content determination. By doing this, not only consumption of time is reduced, but also skilled labor and laboratory resources. Butterhead lettuces harvested at different growing stages and stored at different postharvest conditions were evaluated. In all cases, water content values obtained with RWC technique were statistically equivalent to those obtained with the traditional methodology. Instead, water content values obtained with FW–BW technique were considerably higher than the original WC. Consequently, using RWC technique data to obtain water content, the time required to determine water status in butterhead lettuce is reduced by 25%. In addition, fresh plants of swiss chard, akusay (chinese cabbage), and romaine lettuce were evaluated in order to validate the simplified methodology. Results obtained were similar to those observed for butterhead lettuce.



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