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EU fleet accused of undeclared shark catches


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European ships have allegedly caught thousands of sharks without declaring them to the fisheries management bodies, contrary to their obligations, according to the International Council for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The organisation for the protection of the ocean, Oceana, which made this accusation, is seizing the opportunity of a meeting of ICCAT scientific experts, which is taking place from 1 to 5 September in Madrid (Spain), to call on competent European authorities so the EU participates in conservation measures. The experts' conclusions and suggestions should eventually lead to the first international regulations on shark fishing. ICCAT experts will carry out a precise assessment of the situation of various species of shark and provide a series of recent data on the volume of catches as well as the fleets involved - including more than 150 European industrial surface longlin-ers - so that concerted management pro- posals for this resource can be drafted and presented before the end of the year (ICCAT meeting from 17 to 24 November in Morocco). This exercise is necessary due to the lack of reliable data available on the topic.
机译:据国际大西洋金枪鱼养护理事会(ICCAT)称,欧洲船只捕捞了成千上万的鲨鱼,但未向渔业管理机构宣布它们违反其义务。提出这一指控的海洋保护组织Oceana抓住了ICCAT科学专家会议的机会,该会议将于9月1日至5日在马德里(西班牙)举行,呼吁欧洲主管当局这样做。欧盟参与保护措施。专家的结论和建议最终将导致有关鲨鱼捕捞的第一个国际法规。 ICCAT专家将对各种鲨鱼的状况进行精确评估,并提供一系列有关捕捞量和所涉船队的最新数据,包括150多个欧洲工业表层龙虾,以便共同管理可以在年底之前起草并提出有关该资源的建议(11月17日至24日在摩洛哥举行的ICCAT会议)。由于缺乏有关该主题的可靠数据,因此需要进行此练习。



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