首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Psychology of Education >Exploring reasons and consequences of academic procrastination: an interview study

Exploring reasons and consequences of academic procrastination: an interview study


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In the present study, we broadly investigated reasons and consequences of academic procrastination. Additionally, we explored whether students seeking help from student counselling services to overcome academic procrastination (counselling group) report more serious reasons and consequences of academic procrastination than students who procrastinate but seek no counselling support (non-counselling group). We conducted standardized interviews with university students (N = 36, of which 16 belonged to the counselling group) and analysed these using qualitative content analysis and frequency analysis. The reasons and consequences of academic procrastination, each summarized in a separate category system, were manifold. The category systems consisted of 20 main categories in total, subsuming 81 subcategories, of which 32 were inductively developed. The counselling group reported more serious reasons and consequences of academic procrastination than the non-counselling group. Our results suggest considering academic procrastination as a self-regulation failure and contribute to constructing interventions tailored to students’ specific needs.
机译:在本研究中,我们广泛研究了学术拖延的原因和后果。此外,我们探索了寻求学生咨询服务帮助以克服学术拖延的学生(辅导小组)是否比拖延但不寻求辅导支持的学生(非辅导小组)报告了学术拖延的更严重的原因和后果。我们对大学生进行了标准化访谈(N = 36,其中16个属于咨询小组),并使用定性内容分析和频率分析进行了分析。学业拖延的原因和后果,分别归纳在一个单独的类别系统中,其原因是多种多样的。类别系统总共包括20个主要类别,包括81个子类别,其中32个是归纳开发的。与非辅导小组相比,辅导小组报告了学术拖延的更严重的原因和后果。我们的结果建议将学习拖延视为一种自我调节失败,并有助于构建针对学生特定需求的干预措施。



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