首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Psychology of Education >Assessing metacognitive activities: the in-depth comparison of a task-specific questionnaire with think-aloud protocols

Assessing metacognitive activities: the in-depth comparison of a task-specific questionnaire with think-aloud protocols


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Teaching and assessing metacognitive activities are important educational objectives, and teachers are calling for efficient instruments. The advantages of questionnaires in measuring metacognitive activities are obvious, but serious validity issues appear. For example, correlations of questionnaire data with think-aloud measures are generally moderate to low. An explanation may be that these questionnaires are not constructed in line with the metacognitive activities measured by the think-aloud method. In the present study, a questionnaire is constructed based directly on a taxonomy for coding think-aloud protocols. Twenty ninth-graders studied a text while thinking aloud, after which they immediately received the questionnaire. The overall correlation between the questionnaire and the think-aloud protocols (r = 0.63) was promising. However, scale and item analyses clearly demonstrate some new validity issues. Comparing the questionnaire and the think-aloud results, the students seem to report overt metacognitive activities corresponding more with their behavior reported in the protocols than covert ones. In-depth explorations are presented.
机译:教学和评估元认知活动是重要的教育目标,并且老师们正在呼吁使用有效的手段。问卷在测量元认知活动中的优势是显而易见的,但是会出现严重的有效性问题。例如,问卷数据与思维量度的相关性通常为中等到较低。可能的解释是,这些调查表的构建与通过思考法测量的元认知活动不一致。在本研究中,直接基于分类法构建用于编码思维协议的问卷。 20名九年级学生在大声思考时研究了课文,此后他们立即收到了问卷。问卷和思考协议(r = 0.63)之间的总体相关性是有希望的。但是,规模和项目分析清楚地表明了一些新的有效性问题。通过比较调查问卷和思考方式的结果,学生似乎报告了明显的元认知活动,而与方案中所报告的行为相对应,而不是秘密的。提出了深入的探索。



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