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The win ratio: a new approach to the analysis of composite endpoints in clinical trials based on clinical priorities


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The conventional reporting of composite endpoints in clinical trials has an inherent limitation in that it emphasizes each patient's first event, which is often the outcome of lesser clinical importance. To overcome this problem, we introduce the concept of the win ratio for reporting composite endpoints. Patients in the new treatment and control groups are formed into matched pairs based on their risk profiles. Consider a primary composite endpoint, e.g. cardiovascular (CV) death and heart failure hospitalization (HF hosp) in heart failure trials. For each matched pair, the new treatment patient is labelled a ‘winner’ or a ‘loser’ depending on who had a CV death first. If that is not known, only then they are labelled a ‘winner’ or ‘loser’ depending on who had a HF hosp first. Otherwise they are considered tied. The win ratio is the total number of winners divided by the total numbers of losers. A 95% confidence interval and P-value for the win ratio are readily obtained. If formation of matched pairs is impractical then an alternative win ratio can be obtained by comparing all possible unmatched pairs. This method is illustrated by re-analyses of the EMPHASIS-HF, PARTNER B, and CHARM trials. The win ratio is a new method for reporting composite endpoints, which is easy to use and gives appropriate priority to the more clinically important event, e.g. mortality. We encourage its use in future trial reports.
机译:临床试验中传统的复合终点报告具有固有的局限性,因为它强调了每个患者的首次事件,这通常是临床重要性较低的结果。为了克服这个问题,我们引入了赢率报告复合终点的概念。新的治疗组和对照组中的患者根据他们的风险状况分为配对。考虑一个主要的复合终点,例如心力衰竭试验中的心血管(CV)死亡和心力衰竭住院治疗(HF hosp)。对于每对匹配的患者,新治疗患者根据谁先死于心血管死亡而被标记为“胜利者”或“失败者”。如果不知道,只有根据谁首先拥有HF医院,他们才会被标记为“胜利者”或“失败者”。否则,它们将被视为并列。获胜率是获胜者总数除以失败者总数。容易获得95%的置信区间和获胜率的P值。如果形成匹配对是不切实际的,则可以通过比较所有可能的不匹配对来获得替代胜率。通过对EMPHASIS-HF,PARTNER B和CHARM试验的重新分析来说明此方法。获胜率是一种用于报告复合终点的新方法,该方法易于使用,并且对临床上较重要的事件(例如,死亡。我们鼓励在将来的试验报告中使用它。



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