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Environmental Values: An Appreciation


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Perhaps fittingly, the professional career of Alan Holland - let us all hope his intellectual career will continue for years to come - is coming to a close with the publication of a co-authored book that may well be heralded as a new beginning for environmental philosophy. I am predicting that the recently published Environment Values will contribute greatly to the transition from the earliest stage - the meta-ethical stage - to a new era, one that will emphasise procedure and good decision processes, rather than abstract meta-ethical reasoning from definitive decision criterion resting upon radically new metaphysical 'foundations' in bio- or eco-centrisms. It may be premature to predict the exact intellectual terrain of the incipient era in environmental philosophy.
机译:也许恰如其分,艾伦·霍兰德(Alan Holland)的职业生涯-让我们大家都希望他的智力事业能够持续多年-随着一本合着著作的出版​​而告终,这本书可能被预示为环境哲学的新起点。我预计,最近发布的环境价值将为从最早的阶段(即元伦理阶段)到新时代的过渡做出巨大贡献,这一阶段将强调程序和良好的决策过程,而不是从权威的抽象的元伦理推理决定标准基于生物或生态中心中全新的形而上学的“基础”。在环境哲学中预测起初时代的确切知识领域可能为时过早。



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