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Advancing the Adverse Outcome Pathway Framework-An International Horizon Scanning Approach


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Our ability to conduct whole-organism toxicity tests to understand chemical safety has been outpaced by the synthesis of new chemicals for awide variety of commercial applications. As a result, scientists and risk assessors are turning to mechanistically based studies to increase efficiencies in chemical risk assessment and making greater use of in vitro and in silico methods to evaluate potential environmental and human health hazards. In this context, the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework has gained traction in regulatory science because it offers an efficient and effective means for capturing available knowledge describing the linkage between mechanistic data and the apical toxicity end points required for regulatory assessments. A number of international activities have focused on AOP development and various applications to regulatory decision-making. These initiatives have prompted dialogue between research scientists and regulatory communities to consider how best to use the AOP framework. Although expert-facilitated discussions and AOP development have been critical in moving the science of AOPs forward, it was recognized that a survey of the broader scientific and regulatory communities would aid in identifying current limitations while guiding future initiatives for the AOP framework. To that end, a global horizon scanning exercise was conducted to solicit questions concerning the challenges or limitations that must be addressed to realize the full potential of the AOP framework in research and regulatory decision-making. The questions received fell into several broad topical areas: AOP networks, quantitative AOPs, collaboration on and communication of AOP knowledge, AOP discovery and development, chemical and cross-species extrapolation, exposure/toxicokinetics considerations, and AOP applications. Expert ranking was then used to prioritize questions for each category, where 4 broad themes emerged that could help inform and guide future AOP research and regulatory initiatives. In addition, frequently asked questions were identified and addressed by experts in the field. Answers to frequently asked questions will aid in addressing common misperceptions and will allow for clarification of AOP topics. The need for this type of clarification was highlighted with surprising frequency by our question submitters, indicating that improvements are needed in communicating the AOP framework among the scientific and regulatory communities. Overall, horizon scanning engaged the global scientific community to help identify key questions surrounding the AOP framework and guide the direction of future initiatives. (C) 2017 SETAC
机译:合成用于各种商业应用的新化学品已超过了我们进行全生物毒性测试以了解化学品安全性的能力。结果,科学家和风险评估者开始转向基于机械的研究,以提高化学风险评估的效率,并更多地利用体外和计算机模拟方法来评估潜在的环境和人类健康危害。在这种情况下,不良结局途径(AOP)框架已在监管科学中广受关注,因为它提供了一种有效且有效的手段来捕获描述机制数据与监管评估所需的根尖毒性终点之间联系的可用知识。许多国际活动集中于AOP的开发以及在监管决策中的各种应用。这些举措促使研究科学家与监管机构之间进行对话,以考虑如何最好地使用AOP框架。尽管由专家主持的讨论和AOP的发展对于推动AOP的科学发展至关重要,但是人们认识到,对更广泛的科学和监管界进行调查将有助于确定当前的局限性,同时指导AOP框架的未来计划。为此,开展了一次全球视野扫描活动,以征集有关为实现AOP框架在研究和监管决策中的全部潜力而必须解决的挑战或局限性的问题。收到的问题分为几个广泛的主题领域:AOP网络,定量AOP,AOP知识的合作和交流,AOP发现与开发,化学和跨物种外推,暴露/毒物动力学考虑因素以及AOP应用。然后,使用专家排名对每个类别的问题进行优先排序,其中出现了4个广泛的主题,可以帮助指导和指导未来的AOP研究和监管计划。此外,该领域的专家确定并解决了常见问题。回答常见问题将有助于解决常见的误解,并有助于澄清AOP主题。我们的问题提交者以惊人的频率强调了此类澄清的必要性,表明在科学界和监管界之间交流AOP框架时需要改进。总体而言,地平线扫描吸引了全球科学界的参与,以帮助确定围绕AOP框架的关键问题并指导未来计划的方向。 (C)2017年SETAC



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