首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Monitoring and Assessment >Assessment of heavy metals in the surface sediments and sediment-water interface of Lake Cajititlan, Mexico

Assessment of heavy metals in the surface sediments and sediment-water interface of Lake Cajititlan, Mexico


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Lake Cajititlan is an endorheic tropical lake located in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, which has suffered the consequences of high levels of eutrophication. This study assessed the presence of heavy metals and metalloids in Lake Cajititlan to ascertain possible risks to its aquatic biota and the environment. Eleven monitoring sites were selected throughout the lake; from each site, one sample was taken from the sediments and another from the sediment-water interface by using an Ekman dredger and a Van Dorn bottle, respectively. The measured metals in each sample were As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, and Al. The results showed the following sequence of heavy metal concentrations AlFeMnZnCuCr, wherein Al had the highest average concentration and Cr had the lowest. As, Cd, Hg, and Pb were practically undetectable. Because the predominant rock in the lake basin is volcanic tuff and the soil is vertisol, the high quantities of Al and Fe suggest the weathering of the basin's minerals. The analyses of the sediment-water samples contained small amounts of dissolved Al, Fe, and Mn. According to the Hakanson equations with Hg, Cd, As, Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn, the calculations of the contamination degree and ecological risk revealed that the presence of metals and metalloids does not present a potential risk to the aquatic biota; nonetheless, the water is not suitable for local human consumption due to an unrelated factor associated with nutrient and bacteriological contamination. The results show that heavy metals in the sediments were dispersed throughout the lake mostly because of the weathering of minerals from the local basin and not because of the punctual discharges of the pollutants from the municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, to ensure that the small amounts of dissolved metals (Al, Fe, and Mn) do not affect the aquatic biota, the fish species and phytoplankton need to be internally analyzed.
机译:Cajititlan湖是位于墨西哥哈利斯科州的一种内吸性热带湖,遭受了富营养化程度高的后果。这项研究评估了卡吉蒂特兰湖中重金属和准金属的存在,以确定对其水生生物和环境的潜在风险。在整个湖泊中选择了11个监测点;从每个站点分别使用Ekman挖泥船和Van Dorn瓶从沉积物中采集一个样品,并从沉积物-水界面中采集另一个样品。每个样品中测得的金属为As,Cd,Cr,Hg,Pb,Zn,Cu,Ni,Fe,Mn和Al。结果表明,重金属浓度依次为Al> Fe> Mn> Zn> Cu> Cr,其中Al的平均浓度最高,Cr的最低。 As,Cd,Hg和Pb实际上是不可检测的。由于湖盆中主要的岩石是火山凝灰岩,而土壤则是淤泥,因此大量的铝和铁表明该盆地矿物的风化作用。沉积物-水样品的分析中含有少量溶解的Al,Fe和Mn。根据含汞,镉,砷,铜,铅,铬和锌的Hakanson方程,对污染程度和生态风险的计算表明,金属和准金属的存在不会对水生生物群构成潜在风险。然而,由于与养分和细菌污染有关的无关因素,水不适合当地人食用。结果表明,沉积物中的重金属散布在整个湖泊中,主要是因为当地流域的矿物风化,而不是因为市政污水处理厂(WWTP)的污染物按时排放。但是,为确保少量溶解的金属(Al,Fe和Mn)不会影响水生生物群,需要对鱼类和浮游植物进行内部分析。



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