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SURVIVING TWO DISASTERS: Does Reaction to the First Predict Response to the Second?


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Respondents (N = 414) studied after a California earthquake were recontacted 4 years later to determine if their prior experience with a disaster impaired or enhanced their ability to deal with a second natural disaster―a slow-onset El Nino weather pattern. Analyses addressed whether being emotionally injured in one disaster influences the extent to which one prepares for a future disaster, whether emotional injuries experienced in one disaster predispose individuals to emotional injury in a subsequent disaster, and whether other disaster-related parameters (physical injury and property damage) are similarly associated across two disasters. Emotional injury both facilitated preparedness, in terms of number of hazard-mitigation activities performed, and predisposed to a subsequent emotional injury. An unexpected finding emerged showing that emotional injury increased the chance of reporting damage in a second disaster―a relationship that was maintained after controlling for emotional injury in the second disaster. The impact of self-reported emotional injury in two sequential disasters on what might be considered a more objective outcome―property damage in the second disaster―underscores the need for a comprehensive assessment of disaster reactions in postdisaster research and across disasters, when possible.
机译:加利福尼亚地震后接受调查的被调查者(N = 414)在4年后重新联系,以确定他们先前的灾难经历是否削弱或增强了他们应对第二次自然灾害的能力,这是一种缓慢发作的厄尔尼诺现象。分析解决了一次灾难中的情感伤害是否会影响人们为未来灾难做准备的程度,一次灾难中遭受的情感伤害是否会使个人在随后的灾难中遭受情感伤害以及其他与灾难相关的参数(人身伤害和财产损失)损害)在两次灾难中的关联相似。情绪伤害既促进了减轻危害活动的准备,也促进了随后的情绪伤害。出乎意料的发现表明,情感伤害增加了第二次灾难中报告损坏的机会-这种关系在第二次灾难中控制了情感伤害后得以维持。在两次连续的灾难中自我报告的情感伤害对可能被认为是更为客观的结果(第二次灾难中的财产损失)的影响强调了在可能的情况下,需要对灾难后研究以及整个灾难中的灾难反应进行全面评估。



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