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Network effects in Schelling's model of segregation:new evidence from agent-based simulation


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According to two recent studies, Thomas Schelling's model of segregation is only weakly affected by the underlying spatial structure whatever its complexity. Such a conclusion is important from an urban planning perspective as it suggests that only a very restricted range of possible actions, if any, would be able to contribute to limiting social segregation, unless individual preferences are significantly modified. My own simulations show that, using appropriate graph-based spatial structures, one can reveal significant spatial effects and thus provide alternative planning insights. Cliques in networks indeed play a significant role, reinforcing segregation effects in Schelling's model. Introducing a small amount of noise into the model permits us to reveal this effect more precisely, without modifying the global behavior of the initial model. Furthermore, I show how a logistic model describes in a concise but precise way this global behavior at an aggregated level.
机译:根据最近的两项研究,托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)的隔离模型仅受基础空间结构的微弱影响,无论其复杂性如何。从城市规划的角度来看,这样的结论很重要,因为它表明,除非个人喜好得到明显改变,否则只有非常有限的可能采取的行动(如果有的话)将有助于限制社会隔离。我自己的模拟表明,使用适当的基于图形的空间结构,可以揭示明显的空间效应,从而提供替代的规划见解。网络中的集团确实发挥了重要作用,在Schelling模型中增强了隔离效果。在模型中引入少量噪声可以使我们更精确地揭示这种影响,而无需修改初始模型的整体行为。此外,我展示了逻辑模型如何以简洁而精确的方式在聚合级别上描述这种全局行为。



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