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Gentrification as a governmental strategy: social control and social cohesion in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam


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The emergence of gentrification as a 'global urban strategy' (Smith, 2002, "New globalism, new urbanism: gentrification as a global urban strategy" Antipode 34 427-451) is clearly visible in the peripheral boroughs of Dutch cities. We suggest, however, that the driving force of gentrification in these areas is not the local government's need to strengthen its tax base or developers' pursuit of profit. Gentrification is also not a response to the housing demands of a new middle class. Instead, we conceive of state-led gentrification in the Netherlands, and perhaps elsewhere as well, as an attempt by a coalition of state actors and housing associations at generating social order in disadvan-taged neighbourhoods. Gentrification is used to pacify tensions and to reduce concentrations that pose a problem for authorities. In many cases, residents support this strategy, either actively or passively. But, at the same time, interaction between low-income and higher-income households, and between renters and homeowners, in restructured neighbourhoods are often superficial at best and hostile at worst. Thus, gentrification undermines social cohesion and thereby reduces the chance that residents will find solutions for tensions in the neighbourhood.
机译:在荷兰城市的外围地区可以清楚地看到高档化作为“全球城市战略”的出现(史密斯,2002年,“新全球化,新都市主义:高档化作为全球城市战略”,Antipode 34 427-451)。但是,我们建议,在这些领域中高档化的驱动力不是地方政府需要加强其税基或开发商追求利润。绅士化也不是对新中产阶级住房需求的回应。取而代之的是,我们设想在荷兰,也许在其他地方,实行以国家为主导的高档化,这是由国家行为者和住房协会组成的联盟在弱势地区建立社会秩序的尝试。绅士化被用来缓解紧张局势并减少对当局造成问题的集中度。在许多情况下,居民可以主动或被动地支持该策略。但是,与此同时,在改组后的社区中,低收入家庭与高收入家庭之间,房客与房主之间的互动往往充其量只是表面上的,而最不利的是敌对的。因此,高档化破坏了社会凝聚力,从而减少了居民为邻里紧张局势找到解决方案的机会。



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