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Multiproject baselines for evaluation of electric power projects


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Calculating greenhouse gas emissions reductions from climate change mitigation projects requires construction of a baseline that sets emissions levels that would have occurred without the project. This paper describes a standardized multiproject methodology for setting baselines, represented by the emissions rate (kg C/kWh), for electric power projects. A standardized methodology would reduce the transaction costs of projects. The most challenging aspect of setting multiproject emissions rates is determining the vintage and types of plants to include in the baseline and the stringency of the emissions rates to be considered, in order to balance the desire to encourage no- or low-carbon projects while maintaining environmental integrity. The criteria for selecting power plants to include in the baseline depend on characteristics of both the project and the electricity grid it serves. Two case studies illustrate the application of these concepts to the electric power grids in eastern India and South Africa. We use hypothetical, but realistic, climate change projects in each country to illustrate the use of the multiproject methodology, and note the further research required to fully understand the implications of the various choices in constructing and using these baselines. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
机译:计算减缓气候变化项目的温室气体减排量,需要构建一个基准线,该基准线设定了没有该项目时可能发生的排放水平。本文介绍了一种用于设置基准的标准化多项目方法,该基准由电力项目的排放率(kg C / kWh)表示。标准化的方法将减少项目的交易成本。设定多项目排放率最具挑战性的方面是确定基准中要考虑的电厂的年限和类型以及要考虑的排放率的严格程度,以平衡鼓励无碳或低碳项目的愿望,同时保持环境完整性。选择要包含在基准中的发电厂的标准取决于项目及其服务的电网的特征。两个案例研究说明了这些概念在印度东部和南非的电网中的应用。我们使用每个国家的假设性但现实的气候变化项目来说明多项目方法的使用,并注意到需要进行进一步的研究,以充分理解构建和使用这些基准时各种选择的含义。由Elsevier Science Ltd.发布



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