首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Cardiovascular Risks and Their Long-Term Clinical Outcome in Patients with Subclinical Cushing's Syndrome

Cardiovascular Risks and Their Long-Term Clinical Outcome in Patients with Subclinical Cushing's Syndrome


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Although subclinical Cushing's syndrome has been commonly experienced, details of the clinical outcome and its indication for adrenalectomy have yet to be established. In the present study, we investigated the prevalence of cardiovascular risks, their clinical outcome during long-term follow up before and after adrenalectomy in 20 patients with subclinical Cushing's syndrome. We also correlated the hypercortisolism and age with the cardiovascular risks and the clinical outcome. The prevalence of hypertension, impaired glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia, and obesity was 45%, 65%, 65%, and 25%, respectively. In the non-operated group (n = 12), six patients (50%) showed deterioration of at least one of the cardiovascular risks. Four patients showed an increase of at least one risk, while none of the patients showed a decrease in the number of risks. One patient developed overt Cushing's syndrome. In the operated group (n = 10) including two operated patients of the non-operated group, eight patients (80%) showed an improvement of at least one of the cardiovascular risks after surgery and five patients (50%) showed a decrease of at least one risk. The prognosis in terms of the changes of the cardiovascular risks was significantly better in the operated group than in the non-operated group (p<0.001). Neither the hypercortisolism nor age correlated to the presence and the clinical outcome of the cardiovascular risks. The present study clearly demonstrated probability of deterioration during the clinical course and improvement after adrenal surgery in patients with subclinical Cushing's syndrome. Careful follow-up of the cardiovascular risks is therefore warranted. Adrenalectomy could be a treatment of choice despite the hypercortisolism and age of the patients, especially when the cardiovascular risks show signs of deterioration.
机译:尽管亚临床性库欣综合症已被普遍经历,但临床结果的细节及其对肾上腺切除术的指征尚未确定。在本研究中,我们调查了20例亚临床库欣综合征患者的肾上腺切除术前后长期随访期间的心血管风险患病率,临床结局。我们还将皮质醇过多症和年龄与心血管风险和临床结果相关联。高血压,葡萄糖代谢受损,血脂异常和肥胖的患病率分别为45%,65%,65%和25%。在非手术组(n = 12)中,六名患者(50%)表现出至少一种心血管疾病的恶化。四名患者显示出至少一种风险的增加,而所有患者均未显示出降低风险的数量。一名患者出现了明显的库欣综合症。在手术组(n = 10)中,包括两名非手术组的手术患者,其中八名患者(80%)表现出至少一种心血管疾病风险得到改善,五名患者(50%)表现出降低了至少有一种风险。与非手术组相比,手术组的心血管疾病风险预后明显更好(p <0.001)。皮质醇过多症和年龄均与心血管疾病的存在和临床结果无关。本研究清楚地证明了亚临床库欣综合征患者在临床过程中恶化的可能性以及肾上腺手术后病情改善的可能性。因此,必须对心血管风险进行仔细的随访。尽管皮质醇过多症和患者年龄大,尤其是在心血管疾病风险恶化的迹象时,肾上腺切除术仍是一种选择的治疗方法。



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