首页> 外文期刊>Przeglad Elektrotechniczny >A Novel Methodology for Signal Recovery in Linear Time Invariant Systems for Medicine Applications

A Novel Methodology for Signal Recovery in Linear Time Invariant Systems for Medicine Applications


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Opisano metodę poprawy odpowiedzi czasowej cewnika typu Swan_ganz bazująca na rozplocie. Umożlia to ocenę sygnału wejściowego na podstawie odpowiedzi układu I znajomosci odpowiedzi impulsowej. . W pracy analizowano wpływ filtru cyfrowego na parametry sygnału. Metode z dobrym rezultatem przetestowano na zwierzętach.%This paper presents a deconvolution based method that allows the improvement of the time response of a Swan-Ganz catheter. The goal of the deconvolution method is to obtain the input signal of an LTI system from the knowledge of its output and its impulse response. The noise causes degradation of the recovered signal, and this phenomenon is also discussed. The deconvolved signal is enriched in function of the cutoff frequency of the filter. It is shown that as the cutoff frequency increases, the deconvolved signal becomes more nosier. A Butterworth digital filter of third order, multiplied by the reverse impulse response was used in the frequency domain, and the response in frequency for the 1/H(s) function, limited for the various cutoff frequency of the filter are shown. It can be clearly observed that for higher cutoff frequency magnitude, the signal becomes completely distorted. Experiments with animals were used to measure the impulse response and the obtained results were satisfactory, with average error of 8.9%. The results suggest that the method can be useful in applications of linear systems.
机译:Opisanometodępoprawy odpowiedzi czasowej cewnika typu Swan_ganzbazującana rozplocie。乌莫里亚飞往乌干达–乌兹别克斯坦–乌兹别克斯坦–乌兹别克斯坦–乌兹别克斯坦–乌克兰。 。 W pracy analizowanowpływfilcy cyfrowego na参数sygnału。本文介绍了一种基于反卷积的方法,可以改善Swan-Ganz导管的时间响应。反卷积方法的目的是从LTI系统的输出及其脉冲响应的知识中获得其输入信号。噪声导致恢复的信号降级,并且还将讨论此现象。解卷积信号丰富了滤波器的截止频率。结果表明,随着截止频率的增加,解卷积信号变得更加嘈杂。在频域中使用三阶巴特沃斯数字滤波器乘以反向脉冲响应,并显示了1 / H(s)函数的频率响应,该响应受滤波器的各种截止频率限制。可以清楚地观察到,对于更高的截止频率幅度,信号将完全失真。用动物实验测量脉冲响应,获得的结果令人满意,平均误差为8.9%。结果表明该方法可用于线性系统的应用。



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