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Immersion Litho Aims At Next Phase Of Semiconductor Manufacturing


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At a media briefing in Veldhoven, The Netherlands, ASML recently unveiled new developments in its Twinscan lithography platform. Twinscan is a dual-stage lithography system that allows exposure of one wafer while simultaneously measuring another wafer. The new Twinscan NXT platform now features a planar wafer stage design said to offer significant improvements in overlay and productivity, necessary for the emerging double-patterning (DPT) techniques that manufacturers need to shrink the smallest chip features by up to 42%. Double patterning addresses the challenge of printing ever-smaller chip features by splitting some of these exposures into two parts-printing half of the pattern at once is much easier than printing the entire layer. The tradeoff is that for the circuitry to work properly, the two interlocking halves of the pattern, with literally millions of intersections, must be aligned with a precision that is nearly unimaginable- as little as 2 nm, a distance equivalent to about eight silicon atoms.
机译:在荷兰Veldhoven的媒体发布会上,ASML最近公布了其Twinscan光刻平台的新进展。 Twinscan是一种双阶段光刻系统,它可以曝光一个晶片,同时测量另一个晶片。新的Twinscan NXT平台现在采用了平面晶圆台设计,据说可以大大提高覆盖层和生产率,这是新兴的双图案(DPT)技术所必需的,制造商需要将最小的芯片功能缩小多达42%。双重图案化通过将部分曝光分为两个部分,解决了印刷越来越小的芯片特征的挑战,一次印刷一半的图案比印刷整个层要容易得多。折衷方案是,要使电路正常工作,必须将图案的两个互锁半部分(实际上有数百万个相交点)对准,这几乎是无法想象的精度-最小为2 nm,相当于大约八个硅原子的距离。



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