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'Education is important, but …' Young people outside of schooling and the Finnish policy of 'education guarantee'


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Background Early school leaving and dropout are widely recognized as problems, leading to further marginalization and exclusion of young people from society at large. The Finnish government has set a target that, by the year 2008, 96% of those who complete compulsory education will continue without interruption in secondary education or in the 10th grade. This policy is known as 'the education guarantee'. Purpose The purpose is to present preliminary results from a research project in progress, which is part of an ESF/EQUAL II funded development project called 'VaSkooli'. The project aims at a regional model of education guarantee by which a place of study and other forms of support can be offered for every young person finishing compulsory education. Target group The target groups of the project consist of: (1) students in the final years of comprehensive school who have various kinds of difficulties at school; (2) students who do not apply for a place in secondary education after finishing comprehensive school; (3) those who apply for secondary education but do not find a study place; and (4) students who have dropped out of secondary education or who are in danger of doing so. It was estimated that in the region where this project is being carried out (Turku and Salo regions in south-west Finland), there were some 310 youngsters outside of education. This paper reports findings from the first round of data collection during summer and autumn 2005, including 124 returned questionnaires and 15 interviews based on an opportunity sample. Design and methods In the first round of data collection the target population was contacted mainly through other participating sub-projects and their resource centres. In addition, a larger survey was mailed to all those who applied but did not gain a study place at the Turku Vocational Institute (N = 174). The questionnaire was also distributed through various project workers. In-depth interviews were conducted on a voluntary basis. Results The situation of the respondents was relatively good, indicating the difficulties in reaching the most vulnerable youth. One-third had enrolled in the 10th grade and 24% were studying in regular upper secondary education. Fifteen youngsters with an immigrant background were in special preparatory education, 14 had regular jobs or were in practical or apprenticeship training, and three had enrolled in some other short courses. The number of those without any study place or work was 22 (18%). The respondents valued education relatively highly; 90% said that they would need education in order to realize their dreams. Two subgroups can be identified: those for whom education/work is relatively important and those who value free time/friends/hobbies more than others. The interviews highlight the various social problems and disaffection from school that are behind exclusion. Conclusions At this point, the conclusions of this research in progress remain on a quite general level. Proposed measures in breaking the vicious circle of school exclusion include the redefinition of 'at-risk' youth and their social problems, reallocation of blame, investing in measures which prove to work and applying empowering inclusive policies. It should be recognized that learning at school does not suit everybody. Instead of being an institution that 'disciplines and punishes', the school should act as an agency of empowerment, allowing each young person to develop their strengths and find their 'own thing' ('oma juttu').
机译:背景技术早退和辍学已被广泛认为是问题,导致年轻人进一步边缘化并被排斥在整个社会之外。芬兰政府设定的目标是,到2008年,完成义务教育的人中96%的人将继续接受中等教育或10年级的教育而不会中断。这项政策被称为“教育保障”。目的目的是介绍正在进行的研究项目的初步结果,该研究项目是ESF / EQUAL II资助的开发项目“ VaSkooli”的一部分。该项目旨在建立一种区域性的教育保障模式,通过这种模式,可以为每个完成义务教育的年轻人提供学习场所和其他形式的支持。目标群体该项目的目标群体包括:(1)综合学校最后几年的学生,他们在学校遇到各种困难; (二)综合学校毕业后不申请中等教育的; (三)申请中等教育但未找到学习地点的; (4)辍学或处于危险中的学生。据估计,在执行该项目的地区(芬兰西南部的图尔库和萨洛地区),教育以外的年轻人约为310名。本文报告了2005年夏季和秋季第一轮数据收集的发现,包括124份返回的问卷和15份基于机会样本的访谈。设计和方法在第一轮数据收集中,主要通过其他参与的子项目及其资源中心联系了目标人群。此外,还向所有申请但未在图尔库职业学院学习的人寄出了一份较大的调查(N = 174)。问卷还通过各种项目工作者分发。自愿进行了深入采访。结果受访者的情况相对良好,表明在接触最弱势青年方面存在困难。三分之一的人就读10年级,24%的人就读正规高中。 15名具有移民背景的年轻人接受了特殊的预备教育,14名接受了正规工作或接受过实践或学徒训练,还有3人参加了其他一些短期课程。没有任何学习场所或工作的人数为22(18%)。受访者对教育的评价较高。 90%的人说,他们需要接受教育才能实现自己的梦想。可以确定两个子组:对他们而言,教育/工作相对重要,而对空闲时间/朋友/爱好的重视程度更高。访谈强调了排斥背后的各种社会问题和对学校的不满。结论在这一点上,正在进行的这项研究的结论仍处于相当笼统的水平。打破学校排斥的恶性循环的拟议措施包括重新定义“高风险”青年及其社会问题,重新分配责任,投资证明行之有效的措施以及实施赋权的全纳政策。应该认识到,在学校学习并不适合所有人。学校不应成为“纪律处分”的机构,而应充当赋予权力的机构,让每个年轻人都发挥自己的优势并找到自己的“自己的东西”(“ oma juttu”)。



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