首页> 外文期刊>Ecosystems >Effects of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on Soil Respiration in a Boreal Forest Using δ13C as a Labeling Tool

Effects of Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on Soil Respiration in a Boreal Forest Using δ13C as a Labeling Tool

机译:以δ13 C为标记工具的大气二氧化碳浓度和温度升高对北方森林土壤呼吸的影响

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This study examines the effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide [CO2] (+340 ppm, 13C-depleted) and/or elevated air temperature (2.8–3.5°C) on the rate and δ13C of soil respiration. The study was conducted in a boreal Norway spruce forest using temperature-controlled whole-tree chambers and 13C as a marker for root respiration. The δ13C of needle carbohydrates was followed after the onset of the CO2 treatment in August 2001 and during a 2.5-week period in the summer of 2002. Averaged over the growing seasons of 2002 and 2003, we observed a 48% and 62% increase, respectively, in soil respiration in response to elevated [CO2], but no response to elevated air temperature. The percentage increase in response to elevated [CO2] varied seasonally (between 10% and 190% relative to the control), but the absolute increase varied less (39 ± 11 mg C m−2 h−1; mean ± SD). Data on δ13C of soil respiration indicate that this increase in soil respiration rate resulted from increased root/rhizosphere respiration of recently fixed carbon. Our results support the hypothesis that root/rhizosphere respiration is sensitive to variation in substrate availability.
机译:这项研究研究了大气中二氧化碳[CO2 ](+340 ppm,13 C耗尽)和/或气温升高(2.8–3.5°C)对速率和δ13< / sup> C的土壤呼吸。这项研究是在挪威寒带云杉林中进行的,使用温度可控的整树房和13 C作为根系呼吸的标志。在2001年8月开始CO2 处理之后以及2002年夏季的2.5周期间,对针状碳水化合物的δ13 C进行了追踪。在2002年和2003年的生长季节,我们平均观察到,二氧化碳[升高]响应使土壤呼吸分别增加了48%和62%,而空气温度升高则没有响应。对[CO2 ]升高的响应百分率随季节变化(相对于对照为10%至190%),但绝对值变化幅度较小(39±11 mg C m-2 h− 1 ;平均值±SD)。土壤呼吸的δ13C数据表明,土壤呼吸速率的这种增加是由于最近固定碳的根/根际呼吸增加所致。我们的结果支持以下假设:根/根际呼吸对底物有效性的变化敏感。



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