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New East Asia, old enmities


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Among the forces pressing upon Japan, none has changed more since the country's asset-bubble burst in 1990 than its own neighbourhood. Where 15 years ago China was merely a pariah with economic potential, having recently massacred protesters in Tiananmen Square, it now has a better international reputation and a much admired (and two and a half times larger) economy. Where the Soviet Union was then Japan's principal military concern, as it had been for the previous four decades, that threat is no more. Where Japan was then a rarity as an East Asian democracy, with just the young Philippines democracy and the dictatorial sort in Malaysia and Singapore as company, now it has been joined by South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia. Where then Japan depended on exports to America and western Europe, now trade with other Asian countries makes up 45% of the country's total. In both economic and political terms, Japan is no longer alone in Asia.
机译:自1990年该国资产泡沫破裂以来,对日本施加压力的力量中,没有任何变化比其邻里变化多。 15年前,中国只是具有经济潜力的贱民,最近在天安门广场遭到屠杀,中国如今在国际上享有更好的声誉,并拥有令人钦佩的(两倍大半)经济。过去四十年来,苏联一直是日本当时主要的军事关注点,这种威胁已不复存在。当时日本是东亚民主国家的稀有之地,只有年轻的菲律宾民主国家和马来西亚和新加坡的独裁统治为公司,现在它已被韩国,台湾,泰国和印度尼西亚加入。日本当时依赖对美国和西欧的出口,而现在与其他亚洲国家的贸易占该国总数的45%。从经济和政治角度来说,日本不再是亚洲的一个孤岛。



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