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Minimising the limitations of using dietary analysis to assess foodweb changes by combining multiple techniques


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Dietary studies of marine predators offer an immediate signal of foodweb changes occurring at lower trophic levels, and therefore are often used to assess the ecosystem status of marine systems. Conventionally, these studies are based on morphological analysis of prey remains in stomach contents, involving invasive and destructive techniques to collect samples. More recently, the number of dietary studies based on less invasive biochemical and molecular approaches has dramatically increased. However, all three methods, morphological, biochemical and molecular, have well-documented limitations for resolving taxonomy, temporal variation or biomass composition. In this study, we minimise these limitations by considering multiple techniques in combination. As a case study, we report the target prey species and diet composition of a marine predator that has been used to assess annual change in managed fishing areas for several decades, the macaroni penguinEudyptes chrysolophus. We use biochemical (stable isotope) and molecular (DNA) analysis of faecal samples collected across the different phases of a single breeding season, and compare the resolved diet to a 26-year dataset of stomach contents collected from a closely located colony (0.25 km apart) that exploits identical foraging grounds. Molecular analysis increased the known target prey species for this highly monitored population by 31%, including a fish species of commercial importance. Biochemical analysis detected subtle changes in the proportion of fish and krill in the diet, demonstrating promising opportunities for using a combined molecular and biochemical method to assess inter-annual foodweb changes at lower trophic levels. The combined approach offers a less invasive sampling methodology, compared to morphological analysis, and provides more information regarding prey species diversity and the overall trophic signature of the diet. Further studies are required to examine the feasibility of using this approach for long-term dietary studies of different marine predator species.
机译:海洋捕食者的饮食研究提供了在较低营养级别发生食物网变化的直接信号,因此常被用于评估海洋系统的生态系统状况。传统上,这些研究基于对胃内容物中猎物的形态学分析,涉及侵入性和破坏性技术来收集样品。最近,基于侵入性较小的生化和分子方法的饮食研究数量急剧增加。但是,形态学,生物化学和分子学这三种方法在解决分类学,时间变化或生物量组成方面均具有文献记载的局限性。在这项研究中,我们通过综合考虑多种技术来最小化这些限制。作为案例研究,我们报告了一种海洋捕食者的目标猎物种类和饮食组成,该捕食者已被用来评估数十年来在管理捕鱼区的年度变化,通心粉企鹅Eudyptes chrysolophus。我们对单个繁殖季节不同阶段收集的粪便样品进行生化(稳定同位素)和分子(DNA)分析,并将解析的饮食与从附近殖民地(0.25?km)收集的26年胃内容物数据集进行比较分开)利用相同的觅食理由。分子分析使这一受到高度监视的种群的已知目标猎物种类增加了31%,其中包括具有商业重要性的鱼类。生化分析检测到饮食中鱼和磷虾的比例发生了细微的变化,这表明使用分子和生化相结合的方法评估较低营养水平下年际食物网变化的潜在机会。与形态分析相比,组合方法提供了一种侵入性较小的采样方法,并提供了有关猎物物种多样性和饮食总体营养特征的更多信息。需要进行进一步的研究,以检验将这种方法用于不同海洋捕食动物物种的长期饮食研究的可行性。



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