首页> 外文期刊>Ecological indicators >From compositional to functional biodiversity metrics in bioassessment: A case study using stream macroinvertebrate communities

From compositional to functional biodiversity metrics in bioassessment: A case study using stream macroinvertebrate communities


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While compositional diversity is a common metric for assessing human impacts on aquatic communities, functional diversity is scarcely employed, though highly desirable from the perspective of the European Water Framework Directive. Using abundance data from 99 minimally disturbed sites (i.e., no or very weak anthropogenic impact) from a national survey, we studied the spatial variability of compositional and functional biodiversity metrics across a predefined ecoregional classification. Metrics of compositional diversity comprised taxonomic and EFT richness and Simpson diversity. Functional diversity metrics were based on Rao's Quadratic Entropy (RQE), which described the differences among benthic invertebrate genera in eleven biological traits (e.g., size, life cycle, reproduction types, feeding habits). Using generalized linear models we show that taxonomic richness may vary greatly across ecoregions, contrasting with Simpson diversity and functional metrics that varied weakly in response to natural environmental variability. Functional diversity metrics, because of their stability in response to natural environmental variability, may be useful tools for assessing human impairment to ecosystem function. We further tested the response of functional diversity metrics to a specific human impact (sewage) and demonstrated significant modifications of functional diversity downstream of sewage pollution. Further investigations are required to test the ability of functional diversity metrics to precisely and accurately indicate different types of human impacts.



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