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The cost of monotonicity in distributed graph searching


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Blin et al. (Theor Comput Sci 399(1-2): 12-37, 2008) proposed a distributed protocol enabling the smallest possible number of searchers to clear any unknown graph in a decentralized manner. However, the strategy that is actually performed lacks of an important property, namely the monotonicity. This paper deals with the smallest number of searchers that are necessary and sufficient to monotonously clear any unknown graph in a decentralized manner. The clearing of the graph is required to be connected, i.e., the clear part of the graph must remain permanently connected, and monotone, i.e., the clear part of the graph only grows. We prove that a distributed protocol clearing any unknown n-node graph in a monotone connected way, in a decentralized setting, can achieve but cannot beat competitive ratio of Θ(n/(log n)), compared with the centralized minimum number of searchers. Moreover, our lower bound holds even in a synchronous setting, while our constructive upper bound holds even in an asynchronous setting.
机译:布林等。 (Theor Comput Sci 399(1-2):12-37,2008)提出了一种分布式协议,该协议可使尽可能少的搜索者以分散的方式清除任何未知图。但是,实际执行的策略缺乏重要的属性,即单调性。本文讨论了以分散方式单调清除任何未知图形所必需的最小数量的搜索器。需要清除图的连接,即图的透明部分必须保持永久连接,而单调即图的透明部分只会增长。我们证明,与集中式最小搜索者数量相比,在分散的环境中以单调连接的方式清除任何未知n节点图的分布式协议可以实现但无法击败Θ(n /(log n))的竞争比。 。而且,我们的下限甚至在同步设置中也成立,而我们的构造性上限甚至在异步设置中也成立。



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