首页> 外文期刊>Digestive Diseases and Sciences >Reproducibility of 24-Hour Combined Multiple Intraluminal Impedance (MII) and pH Measurements in Infants and Children. Evaluation of a Diagnostic Procedure for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Reproducibility of 24-Hour Combined Multiple Intraluminal Impedance (MII) and pH Measurements in Infants and Children. Evaluation of a Diagnostic Procedure for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common disease in infants and children. Prolonged (24-hr) pH monitoring in the esophagus for determination of increased acid exposure has, together with endoscopy, been the only routinely implemented method for GERD diagnosis. The recently introduced multiple intraluminal impedance (MII) provides additional information about the number of both acid and nonacid episodes of retrograde bolus movement in the esophagus. The aim of this study was to investigate the day-to-day reproducibility and the interobserver variability of 24-hr combined MII (number of nonacid and acidic reflux episodes) and pH in the esophagus in infants and children. Upper endoscopy followed by 2 × 24-hr consecutive combined MII and pH monitoring was performed in 33 infants and children referred to a tertiary center for evaluation of GERD. The study was performed in a hospital setting without dietary restrictions. Bland-Altman difference versus mean plots and calculation of the limits of agreement (LOA) were used for assessment of the reproducibility of the total number of acidic and nonacidic reflux episodes. LOA for the number of acidic reflux episodes on day 2 were 0.2–5.3 times the value obtained on day 1. For the total number of nonacidic reflux episodes, LOA were 0.04–8.6; for the total number of reflux episodes, 0.3–3.3. An abnormal reflux index on one or both recording days was found in 7 of 30 patients. In conclusion, considerable day-to-day variability was found for nonacidic reflux episodes. Less variability was found for acidic reflux episodes. This variability must be taken into consideration for the use of MII in the clinical evaluation of infants and children with GERD.
机译:胃食管反流病(GERD)是婴儿和儿童的常见疾病。食道中长时间(24小时)pH监测以确定增加的酸暴露已与内窥镜检查一起,是常规诊断GERD的唯一方法。最近推出的多腔内阻抗(MII)提供了有关食管逆行推注运动的酸性和非酸性发作次数的更多信息。这项研究的目的是调查婴儿和儿童食道中24小时合并MII(非酸性和酸性反流发作的次数)和pH值的每日重现性和观察者间的差异。对33名婴儿和上级内窥镜检查,然后连续2×24小时连续进行MII和pH联合监测,并转诊至第三级中心评估GERD的儿童。该研究在没有饮食限制的医院环境中进行。用Bland-Altman差异对均值图和协议极限(LOA)的计算来评估酸性和非酸性反流发作总数的可重复性。第2天的酸性反流发作的LOA为第1天获得值的0.2-5.3倍。非酸性反流发作的总数LOA为0.04-8.6;反流发作的总次数为0.3-3.3。 30例患者中有7例在记录的一个或两个记录日发现反流指数异常。总之,发现非酸性反流发作的日常变化很大。发现酸性反流发作的变异性较小。在MII用于GERD婴儿和儿童的临床评估中必须考虑到这种可变性。



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