首页> 外文期刊>Dialectical Anthropology >Flora Nwapa and Oguta’s Lake Goddess

Flora Nwapa and Oguta’s Lake Goddess


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The home of Nigeria's renowned Marxist anthropologist, Ikenna Nzimiro, and of the country's ``first lady of letters,'' Flora Nwapa, is Oguta, a sprawling commercial centre situated on Oguta Lake near the confluence of the rivers Niger and Urashi. Both authors have described their home town in their own diverging perspectives. While Nzimiro's account focused on the town's political organization and questions of state formation and authority, Flora Nwapa was a novelist concerned primarily with women's issues. She engaged her home town's custom and religious beliefs centring on the pre-eminent lake goddess, Ogbuide, in her quest to champion womanhood. This paper examines how the novelist took certain artistic liberties and critically deconstructed local custom in her cause to promote women. While Nwapa's primary concern was women's reproductive rights and welfare, she also cherished Oguta culture, voiced her critique with caution, and was increasingly critical of foreign intrusions.
机译:尼日利亚著名的马克思主义人类学家艾肯纳·恩齐米罗(Ikenna Nzimiro)和该国的``第一任书记''弗洛拉·恩瓦帕(Flora Nwapa)的故乡是奥古塔(Oguta),这是一个庞大的商业中心,位于奥古塔湖上,靠近尼日尔河和Urashi河汇合处。两位作者都以各自不同的观点描述了他们的家乡。恩齐米罗(Nzimiro)的论述集中于该镇的政治组织以及国家形成和权威问题,而弗洛拉·恩瓦帕(Flora Nwapa)是一位小说家,主要关注妇女问题。她以著名的湖女神奥格布伊德(Ogbuide)为中心,奉行她的家乡的习俗和宗教信仰,以追求提高女性形象。本文探讨了小说家在提升女性的过程中如何获得某些艺术自由并严重破坏了当地的习俗。恩瓦帕的主要关切是妇女的生殖权利和福利,但她也珍惜奥古塔文化,谨慎地发表评论,并越来越批评外国入侵。



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