首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Patient Experience >Philosophical Hermeneutics and Teaching Through Behandlung: The Treatment and Handling of Patients With Care

Philosophical Hermeneutics and Teaching Through Behandlung: The Treatment and Handling of Patients With Care




The purpose of this Feature article is to share a teaching approach for academic researchers and clinicians about the treatment of patients beyond their biomedical needs. To achieve this objective, we will delve into the writings of H-G Gadamer which offer a relational approach to the healing process through the exploration of how the German word Behandlung applies to medical and dental education. Through conversational philosophical hermeneutics, Gadamer endeavors to unite the consciousness of one subject with that of the others and refers to the process as appropriation whereby the researcher/clinician is working toward understanding the experience of the individual within the context of a community of patient experiences.
机译:本特征文章的目的是分享学术研究人员和临床医生的教学方法,了解患者超出其生物医学需求的患者。 为实现这一目标,我们将深入研究H-G伽达默尔的着作,通过探索德国文字申请医疗和牙科教育的探索提供了对治疗过程的关系方法。 通过对话的哲学诠释学,甘胺致力于将一个主题的意识联集在一起,将其作为拨款的进程,从而在研究人员/临床医生致力于在患者体验社区的背景下了解个人的经验。



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