首页> 外文期刊>Risk Management and Healthcare Policy >Are Epidemiological Estimates Able to Describe the Ability of Health Systems to Cope with COVID-19 Epidemic?

Are Epidemiological Estimates Able to Describe the Ability of Health Systems to Cope with COVID-19 Epidemic?




Introduction:The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic is an infectious disease which was declared a pandemic and hit countries worldwide from the beginning of the year 2020. Despite the emergency vigilance plans, health systems in all countries experienced a different ratio of lethality, amount of admissions to intensive care units and quarantine management of positive patients. The aim of this study is to investigate whether some epidemiological estimates could have been useful in understanding the capacity of the Italian Regional Health Services to manage the COVID-19 epidemic.Methods:We have compared data between two different Italian regions in the Northern part of Italy (Lombardy and Veneto) and the national data to determine whether different health strategies might be significant in explaining dissimilar patterns of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy. Data have been extracted from a public database and were available only in an aggregated form.Results:The regions in question displayed two different health policies to face the COVID-19 epidemic: while Veneto's health service was largely territorially oriented, Lombardy's strategy was more hospital-centered.Discussion:The key to facing epidemics like this one consists in identifying solutions outside of hospitals. This however requires there be well-trained general practitioners and enough healthcare personnel working outside hospitals.? 2021 Castaldi et al.
机译:介绍:2019年冠状病毒疾病(Covid-19)流行病是一种传染病,它在2020年初宣布了全球宣布的大流行和袭击国家。尽管存在紧急警惕计划,但所有国家的卫生系统都有不同的杀伤比例,重症监护单位和阳性患者检疫管理的招生金额。本研究的目的是调查一些流行病学估计是否可以在理解意大利区域卫生服务管理Covid-19流行病的能力方面有用。意大利(伦巴第和威尼托)和国家数据确定不同的健康策略是否可能是显着的,以解释意大利Covid-19流行病的异常模式。已经从公共数据库中提取了数据,只能以汇总的形式提供。结果:有问题的区域显示两个不同的健康政策,以面对Covid-19流行病:虽然威尼托的卫生服务在很大程度上领土导向,但伦巴第的战略是更多的医院-CenterD.discussion:面对像这样的流行病的关键包括识别医院外面的解决方案。然而,这需要有经过训练有素的全科医生和医院外部的医疗保健人员。 2021 Castaldi等人。


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