首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning >The Art of Becoming a Social Work practice educator

The Art of Becoming a Social Work practice educator




Through this practice note, I share some of my reflections and learning of becoming a practice educator. The experience has enhanced my skills as a social worker and team manager and now as a social work doctoral student. Based on my observations of supervision as a practice assessor and my experience of having many different managers throughout my career, I have noticed when social workers move into management without a practice educator qualification, the supervisory relationship experience is a different one than that of a practice educator – turned manager. I question why this is. Is reflective supervision only reserved for students? I am suggesting that it should not be. Each supervisor should be supported and enabled to connect with their Art, as supervision is a form of Art.
机译:通过这一练习说明,我分享了我的一些反思和学习成为一名练习者。 这些经验使我作为社会工作者和团队经理的技能,现在是社会工作博士生。 根据我对监督的观察作为实践评估员和我在整个职业生涯中拥有许多不同的管理者的经验,我注意到社会工作者在没有实践教育者资格的情况下进入管理时,监督关系经验是不同的一种,而不是实践的不同之处 教育者 - 转身经理。 我质疑为什么这是。 反思监督只是为学生保留吗? 我暗示它不应该是。 应支持并启用每个主管,以与他们的艺术连接,因为监督是一种艺术形式。



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