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I Unplugged What?:The lessons here are broader than just a simple 'Don't do that.'




I'm sure by now you've read about the latest large systems failure, and I wondered if you'd share your thoughts on how such a large company—famous for having so many smart people at its disposal—can fail so miserably at infrastructure. I'm probably lobbing a softball, but how is it possible that these large and pervasive failures happen? Making Popcorn While Waiting for Your Reply Dear Popcorn, Some people would say that it's unfair to pick on any company after such a spectacular failure, and that it's not nice to kick people, or companies, when they're down. KV, of course, is not one of those people. Like the rest of the world, I watched in amusement as one of the wealthiest companies on earth seemingly shot itself in the foot with a configuration error. Some watched in horror, and yes, KV watched in amusement. It goes without saying that I know only what I've read in the news and on various "feeds," but some of the failure seems fairly well externally documented.
机译:我相信现在你已经阅读了关于最新的大型系统失败,我想知道你是否会分享你的想法,就像这么多聪明的人在其处置的情况下,可以失败如此悲惨 基础设施。 我可能很可能是一个垒球,但这些大而普遍的失败是如何发生的? 在等待你的回复时制作爆米花,亲爱的爆米花,有些人会说在如此壮观的失败之后挑选任何公司是不公平的,并且在他们失败时踢人或公司并不好。 当然,克夫不是那些人之一。 就像世界其他地方一样,我在娱乐中观看了地球上最富有的公司之一,看起来有一个配置错误。 有人看着恐怖,是的,kv看着娱乐。 不言而喻,我只知道我在新闻中阅读的内容和各种“饲料”,但一些失败似乎在外部记录得很好。



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