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The Inclusion of Children with Autism in the Mainstream School Classroom. Knowledge and Perceptions of Teachers and Special Education Teachers

机译:将儿童纳入主流学校课堂上的自闭症。 教师与特殊教育教师的知识和看法



The inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools is a global trend. The inclusion of children with special educational needs in these schools has been the subject of ongoing research and discussion in recent decades. Inclusion as a concept is concerned with the provision of education throughout the student world. Its most important condition is the transformation of schools into ready-made structures so that they can integrate all kinds of students. So, the purpose of the research is to explore the integration of children with autism in the general school class. More specifically, the views of general and special education teachers regarding the integration of students with ASD will be studied. The sample consisted of eighty-five (85) primary school teachers, including as a factor their knowledge in the inclusion of children with autism in general school. The quantitative approach was used to investigate these views and the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The results of the research process show that teachers have a positive attitude towards the inclusion of children with autism in general school. According to them, they believe that the integration in the general school will benefit them more in their socialization but also in the learning process.



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