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Interlaboratory comparison for the Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group (FANG) anti-Ebola virus glycoprotein immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay




The need for an efficacious vaccine against highly pathogenic filoviruses was reinforced by the devastating 2014–2016 outbreak of Ebola virus (EBOV) disease (EVD) in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia that resulted in over 28,000 cases and over 11,300 deaths. In addition, the 2018–2020 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo currently has over 3,400 cases and over 2,200 deaths. A fully licensed vaccine and at least one other investigational vaccine are being deployed to combat this EVD outbreak. To support vaccine development and pre-clinical/clinical testing a Filovirus Animal Nonclinical Group (FANG) human anti-EBOV GP IgG ELISA was developed to measure anti-EBOV GP IgG antibodies. This ELISA is currently being used in multiple laboratories. Reported here is a characterization of an interlaboratory statistical analysis of the human anti-EBOV GP IgG ELISA as part of a collaborative study between five participating laboratories. Each laboratory used similar method protocols and reagents to measure anti-EBOV GP IgG levels in human serum samples from a proficiency panel consisting of ten serum samples created by the differential dilution of a serum sample positive for anti-GP IgG antibodies (BMIZAIRE105) with negative serum (BMI529). The total assay variability (inter- and intra-assay variability) %CVs observed at each laboratory ranged from 12.2 to 30.6. Intermediate precision (inter-assay variability) for the laboratory runs ranged from 8.9 to 21.7%CV and repeatability (intra-assay variability) %CVs ranged from 7.2 to 23.7. The estimated slope for the relationship between log 10 (Target Concentration) and the log 10 (Observed Concentration) across all five laboratories was 0.95 with a 90% confidence interval of (0.93, 0.97). Equivalence test results showed that the 90% confidence interval for the ratios for the sample-specific mean concentrations at the five individual labs to the overall laboratory consensus value were within the equivalence bounds of 0.80 to 1.25 for each laboratory and test sample, except for six test samples from Lab D, two samples from Lab B1, and one sample from Lab B2. The mean laboratory concentrations for Lab D were less than those from the other laboratories by 20% on average across the serum samples. The evaluation of the proficiency panel at these laboratories provides a limited assessment of assay precision (intermediate precision, repeatability, and total assay variability), dilutional linearity, and accuracy. This evaluation suggests that the within-laboratory performance of the anti-EBOV GP IgG ELISA as implemented at the five laboratories is consistent with the intended use of the assay based on the acceptance criteria used by laboratories that have validated the assay. However, the assessment of between-laboratory performance revealed lower observed concentrations at Lab D and greater variability in assay results at Lab B1 relative to other laboratories.
机译:通过果蝇(EVD)爆发(EVD)在几内亚,塞拉利昂和利比里亚爆发中,加强了对高致病性泌尿病毒的有效疫苗的需求,导致28,000例,超过11,300人死亡。此外,刚果民主共和国的2018-2020爆发目前有超过3,400例,超过2,200人死亡。全部许可的疫苗和至少一个其他调查疫苗正在部署以打击这一EVD爆发。为了支持疫苗开发和临床前/临床检测,开发了一种泌尿病毒动物非临床组(方)人抗EBOV GP IgG ELISA以测量抗EBOV GP IgG抗体。该ELISA目前正在多个实验室中使用。这里报道的是人抗EBOV GP IGG ELISA的互上统计分析的表征,作为五个参与实验室之间的协作研究的一部分。每个实验室使用类似的方法方案和试剂从由抗GP IgG抗体(Bmizaire105)的血清样品阳性的血清样品(Bmizaire105)的差异稀释而组成的熟练程度,从型血清样品组成的熟练血清样品中的抗EBOV GP IgG水平。血清(BMI529)。在每个实验室观察到的总测定变异性(和中间测定型变异性)%CVS的范围为12.2至30.6。实验室运行的中间精密(测定范围变异性)的CV和可重复性(测定变异性)%CV的速率范围为7.2至23.7。对于所有五个实验室之间的Log 10(目标浓度)和Log 10(观察到的浓度)之间的关系的估计斜率为0.95,90%置信区间(0.93,0.97)。等效试验结果表明,对于整个实验室共识值的五个个体实验室的样品特异性平均浓度的比率的置信区间隔为0.80至1.25的等效范围,除六从Lab D,来自Lab B1的两个样品的测试样品,以及来自Lab B2的一个样品。实验室D的平均实验室浓度小于其他实验室的实验室,平均血清样品的平均水平为20%。在这些实验室的熟练面板评估提供了对测定精度的有限评估(中间精度,可重复性和总测定变异性),稀释线性和准确性。该评估表明,五个实验室实施的抗EBOV GP IGG ELISA的实验室表现与基于已经验证了测定的实验室使用的验收标准,与测定的预期用途一致。然而,对实验室性能之间的评估显示Lab D的较低观察到的浓度,以及在实验室B1相对于其他实验室的测定结果的更大变化。



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