首页> 外文期刊>Development Strategies in Medical Education >The relationship between problem solving skills and assertiveness among plastic surgery residents in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 2015- 2016

The relationship between problem solving skills and assertiveness among plastic surgery residents in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 2015- 2016

机译:Shahid Beheshti大学的整形外科居民问题解决技巧与自信的关系2015 - 2016 - 2016 - 2016 - 2016



Introduction:The significance of problem-solving skills is obvious to anyone. As learners areabout to start higher education, they should improve their learning skills and be able to solvetheir problems independently. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate problem solvingand assertiveness skills of resident of plastic and reconstructive surgery in Shahid BeheshtiUniversity of Medical Sciences in 2015-2016.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The population consisted of 46 Plastic surgeryresidents in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. They worked at Fifteenth ofKhordad and Shahid Modaress Hospitals. They were selected through census sampling.Heppner and Peterson standard questionnaires were used for problem solving and Rattusquestionnaire for assertiveness skills. Finally, the data was analyzed using repeated measureANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS-22.Results: The results showed no significant difference of problem solving and assertiveness skillsof residents of Plastic Surgery in Fifteenth of Khordad and Shahid Modaress Hospitals (P0.05).There was a relatively strong correlation between problem solving and assertiveness skills(r= - 0/65).Conclusions: Through improving problem-solving skills among plastic surgery residents,assertiveness skills also expand. Thus, training programs should provide educational and lifeskill opportunities to equip learners with different abilities, including problem solving andassertiveness skills.
机译:介绍:解决问题的技巧的重要性对任何人来说都是显而易见的。随着学习者面积开始高等教育,他们应该改善他们的学习技巧,能够独立解决问题。因此,一项研究,以评估在2015-2016.Methods医学科学院沙希德BeheshtiUniversity居民整形外科的问题solvingand自信技巧:这是一个横断面研究。人口由46位Shahid Beheshti医科大学的46个塑料外科生命者组成。他们在第五届ofkhordad和Shahid Movaress医院工作。他们通过人口普查选择了.Heppner和Peterson标准问卷被用于解决问题和rattusquestionnaire,以进行自信技能。最后,使用SPSS-22使用重复的测量性系数和Pearson的相关系数分析数据:结果表明,Khordad和Shahid Modaress医院的第十五次的整形手术居民的问题解决和自信技能没有显着差异(P> 0.05)。问题解决和自信技能之间存在相对较强的相关性(R = - 0/65).Conclusions:通过改善整形外科居民之间的问题解决技巧,自信技能也扩大。因此,培训计划应为教育和Lifeskill机会提供具有不同能力的学习者,包括解决AndAssertive技能的问题。



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