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Attentional Disengagement Deficits Predict Brooding, but Not Reflection, Over a One-Year Period




A growing literature suggests that rumination is linked to attentional control deficits in depression. This is particularly the case with brooding, a maladaptive form of rumination. However, research on the potential constructive association between attentional control and self-reflection, a putative adaptive form of rumination, is sparse. Thus, the goal of the present study was to examine whether attentional control deficits, indexed via visual attentional disengagement, differentially predict dispositional brooding and self-reflection tendencies. Depressed participants (n = 17), those in remission from depression (n = 42), and their peers with no depression histories (n = 70) completed clinical interviews, the Ruminative Response Scale (RRS), and an eye-tracking task that measured attentional disengagement from pleasant (happy) and unpleasant (sad) facial images during a laboratory visit, and the RRS at four-month intervals over a one-year period. Results revealed that slow disengagement from sad faces, and rapid disengagement from happy faces, was specifically associated with brooding tendencies concurrently and across follow-up. Attentional disengagement was unrelated to self-reflection. The disengagement-brooding associations remained after controlling for depression status and anxiety disorder histories, suggesting that attentional control deficits may be a state-independent marker of brooding. Theoretical and clinical implications for these associations are discussed.
机译:日益增长的文献表明,谣言与抑郁症的注意力控制缺陷有关。沉着沉着的谣言,尤其如此。然而,对引发控制和自我反思之间的潜在建设性关联的研究,推定的自适应形式的谣言,稀疏。因此,本研究的目的是通过视觉注意力脱离,差异预测配置育雏和自我反射倾向,检查注意力控制缺陷是否呈现注意力控制缺陷。抑郁的参与者(n = 17),减少抑郁症(n = 42)的那些,以及没有抑郁历史(n = 70)的对同龄人完成临床访谈,反应响应量表(RRS)和一个眼睛跟踪任务在实验室访问期间,测量从令人愉快(快乐)和令人不快(SAD)面部图像的注意力脱离,并在一年内以四个月的时间间隔为RRS。结果表明,悲伤的面孔和快乐面孔快速脱离的缓慢脱离,与同时和随访的随访有关的与育雏倾向有关。注意力脱离与自我反思无关。在控制抑郁状态和焦虑症历史中,脱离沉重的育雏协会仍然存在,这表明注意力控制缺陷可能是一种沉思的国家独立的标记。讨论了这些关联的理论和临床意义。



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