首页> 外文期刊>E3S Web of Conferences >Organization of residential areas focused on walking and using low-speed individual vehicles

Organization of residential areas focused on walking and using low-speed individual vehicles




To create a comfortable urban environment, authorities are currently working with the population to reduce the specific share of trips by private car and to encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation, including walking, using low-speed individual vehicles as well. The feasibility of such actions is confirmed by numerous studies of the current urban environment, formed based on the universal accessibility of a private car. Car is a personal vehicle, stored near the place of residence. In the conditions of dense development of large cities, formed according to the rules that do not take into account the ownership of a car by the bulk of the population, as well as modern multi-story buildings in the context of a shortage of land resources, the population is faced with the problem of congestion of local territories with private cars, which leads to conflicts between neighbors. In these conditions, the urgent problem of organizing residential elements of the planning structure focused on pedestrian movements and movement using low-speed individual vehicles. This raises the question of the reorganization of the living environment and the identification of the territorial reserves for changes. This article presents the results of a study of the dense development of residential areas to identify the possibilities of its reorganization based on the principles of pedestrian accessibility and accessibility for low-speed individual vehicles. For research, the design method was used. This method made it possible to establish the quantitative value of territorial resources that are possible for redistribution according to their functional purpose, provided that the intensity of use of the territory corresponds to the standards of urban planning.



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