首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Human Sport and Exercise >Extracurricular physical activities: Motivational climate, sportspersonship, disposition and context. A study with primary 6th grade students

Extracurricular physical activities: Motivational climate, sportspersonship, disposition and context. A study with primary 6th grade students




The objective of this study has been to examine the relationship between Perceived Motivational Climate, Sportspersonship, Disposition and Context where extracurricular physical activity is done. The participants were 256 6 th grade students. The questionnaires applied were: PMCSQ-2 (Orientation to Ego or Task), MSOS (Orientation to Sportspersonship), IEPA (Disposition) y AYES (Context). An instrumental and empirical study was made. On the instrumental study, factorial analysis was made and internal consistency of the questionnaires was verified. On the empirical study, extracurricular sports practise negatively correlates with Respect and Interest on Adversary factor; Regarding motivational climate, Ego Climate negatively correlates with every factor in a statistically significant way, except with Progression and Effort on training; Task Orientation Motivational Climate correlates with every factor, been this correlation negative with Ego Orientation Climate and with the Number of Hours of Weekly Training. Mean difference depending on gender shows that males give higher values on Ego Orientation Climate and females on Respect and Interest on the Adversary factor. Analysis of variance showed statistically significant results depending on the sport played, with higher values on Task Climate, Progression on Training and Respect and Interest on the Adversary for those who play artistic activities, on Interest on Training and Respect for Social Conventions for those who play opposition sports; depending on the amount of time for weekly sports practise, those who spend more than five hours per week give higher values on Task Climate and those who only spend one or two hours per week on Respect and Interest on the Adversary.
机译:本研究的目的是审查所感受到的励志气候,体育经验,处置和上下文之间的关系。参与者是256年级的学生。适用的调查问卷是:PMCSQ-2(对自我或任务的方向),MSOS(对运动员的方向),IEPA(处置)Y Ayes(上下文)。制作了一个乐器和实证研究。在仪器研究中,制定了因子分析,并核实了调查问卷的内部一致性。在实证研究中,课外体育实践与对手反对者的尊重和兴趣负相关;关于励志气候,自我气候与统计上有显着方式的每一个因素都带来了与培训的进展和努力的统计上有关的态度;任务定向激励气候与每个因素相关,这是对自我定向气候和每周训练的小时数负相关的。根据性别的意思,根据性别表明,雄性对自我定向气候和女性的尊重和兴趣造成更高的对手。差异分析表明,根据运动的统计学显着的结果表明,对任务气候的价值观更高,培训和尊重以及对艺术活动的人的培训和尊重和兴趣的进展,培训培训和尊重社会公约的培训和尊重社会惯例反对运动;根据每周运动实践的时间,每周花费超过五小时的人提供更高的任务气候价值,那些只花一两小时的人对尊重和对手的利息。



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