首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Genomics >The Draft Genome of a Hydrogen-producing Cyanobacterium, Arthrospira platensis NIES-46

The Draft Genome of a Hydrogen-producing Cyanobacterium, Arthrospira platensis NIES-46

机译:氢生产蓝杆菌的基因组草案,arthospira platensis nies-46



Arthrospira is an economically important cyanobacterium that contains many useful products,including proteins, vitamins, lipids, and pigments, and it is distributed in several alkaline soda lakes.Arthrospira platensis NIES-46 produces large amounts of hydrogen. In this study, we sequenced theNIES-46 draft genome and performed comparative analyses among Arthrospira species to elucidatethe genomic background of this strain. The genome consists of 5.7 Mbp with a GC% of 44.5% andencodes 5,008 proteins. Our phylogenetic analysis using multiple orthologous proteins shows thatArthrospira is divided into two clades and that NIES-46 is closely related to A. platensis NIES-39. Thegenome structure and protein functions are highly conserved between A. platensis NIES-39 andNIES-46, suggesting that these two strains have recently diverged. Genes involved in hydrogenproduction are well-conserved among Arthrospira species, indicating conserved abilities to producehydrogen.
机译:Arthrospira是一种经济上重要的蓝藻,含有许多有用的产品,包括蛋白质,维生素,脂质和颜料,并且它分布在几个碱性苏打水中。Athrospira Platensis Nies-46产生大量的氢。在这项研究中,我们测序了该研究的基因组草案-46草案,并在促进该菌株的阐明基因组背景下进行了比较分析。基因组由5.7Mbp组成,GC%的44.5%的Andencodes 5,008蛋白。我们使用多种直向理蛋白的系统发育分析表明,随着茅草孢菌分为两名枝条,NIE-46与A.Platensis Nies-39密切相关。 A.Platensis Nies-39 Andnies-46之间的基因组结构和蛋白质功能高度保守,这表明这两个菌株最近偏离了。参与氢生产的基因在节肢动物物种之间是良好的保守,表明疏水性的保守能力。



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