首页> 外文期刊>Je-LKS >Autobiographical Narrative and Intercultural Awareness

Autobiographical Narrative and Intercultural Awareness




The currency of intercultural education has risen worldwide in response to increased diversity within societies resulting from migration and global flows of populations. As intercultural education becomes a core responsibility of schooling, the attention to developing students’ intercultural capabilities grows even faster. The school and all the educational agencies must find the most suitable tools to adequately address the complex multiculturalism of the third millennium, so to promote the students’ ability to understand one another across and beyond all types of cultural barriers. This paper offers a reflexive analysis of the efficacy of using autobiographical narratives for enhancing students’ intercultural awareness. Autobiographical narratives have a productive potential as a strategy for stimulating reflexivity about cultural identities and intercultural relations. The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE), published by the Council of Europe (2009), is proposed and analyzed as a framework that can help students reflect critically on specific intercultural encounters and promote intercultural communication situations. ‘Intercultural communication’ is today a model that allows all children and young people to recognize and being aware of each other’s identity, as it is oriented towards fostering interaction, dialogue, mutual recognition and enrichment of any individual, in respect of the different identities of the other; it is an approach that offers a forward-looking model for managing cultural and language diversity.
机译:跨文化教育的货币在全球范围内上升,以应对迁移和全球人口流动造成的社会中的多样性增加。随着跨文化教育成为学校教育的核心责任,促进发展学生的跨文化能力的关注甚至更快地增长。学校和所有教育机构必须找到最合适的工具来充分解决第三千年的复杂多元文化主义,从而促进学生们在各种类型的文化障碍中互相理解的能力。本文提供了对使用自传叙事来提高学生跨文化意识的疗效的反思分析。自传叙述具有富有成效的潜力,作为刺激文化身份和跨文化关系的反射性的策略。欧洲委员会(2009年)出版的跨文化遭遇(AIE)的自传作为一个框架,可以帮助学生对特定的跨文化遭遇反映并促进跨文化交际情况。 “跨文化交际”今天是一个允许所有儿童和年轻人认识和意识到彼此的身份的模型,因为它导致促进互动,对话,相互认识和任何个人的互动,就不同的身份而言另一个;这是一种提供用于管理文化和语言多样性的前瞻性模型。



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