首页> 外文期刊>Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research >Analytical strategy for the detection of antibiotic residues in sheep and goat’s milk

Analytical strategy for the detection of antibiotic residues in sheep and goat’s milk




The use of antibiotics to treat mastitis and other infectious diseases in dairy sheep and goats is a widespread practice nowadays that can, when not properly applied, result in the contamination of the milk supply. Spanish legislation establishes the control of the presence of antibiotic residues in sheep and goat’s milk using screening methods that detect, at least, beta-lactam drugs. Microbial inhibitor tests using Geobacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis and specific receptor-binding assays are most widely employed for this purpose. The detection rates of screening tests routinely used in Spain have been calculated considering the frequency of use of veterinary drugs commonly applied in ovine and caprine livestock to treat and prevent mastitis as well as the test sensitivity toward these substances at safety levels. In general, the use of a single test allows detecting 62.8-82.4% of the antibiotics employed. For sheep milk, the total detection range achieved with microbial tests was significantly higher than that reached with rapid receptor tests. However, no significant differences between the two types of methods were found when goat's milk was analysed. In both types of milk, the simultaneous use of two screening tests with a different analytical basis increases the total detection range significantly, reaching values ≥ 90% in some cases (81.5-90.1% for sheep and 84.7-92.6% for goats). However, the periodical use of screening tests able to detect quinolones, macrolides or aminoglycosides would be recommended to carry out more efficient screening and ensure the safety of milk and dairy products from sheep and goats.
机译:使用抗生素来治疗乳腺炎和牛奶羊和山羊的其他传染病是现在广泛的实践,即在没有适当应用的情况下可以导致牛奶供应的污染。西班牙立法建立了使用检测,至少β-内酰胺药物的筛选方法控制绵羊和山羊牛奶中存在抗生素残留物的控制。使用Geobacillus stearothermophilus var的微生物抑制剂测试。 Calidolactis和特异性受体结合测定最广泛用于此目的。考虑到在西班牙常规使用的筛选试验的检测率考虑了兽药常用于绵羊和植物牲畜的使用频率,以治疗和预防乳腺炎,以及在安全水平下对这些物质的测试敏感性。通常,使用单一测试允许检测使用的抗生素62.8-82.4%。对于绵羊牛奶,用微生物检验实现的总检测范围明显高于快速受体试验到达的检测范围。然而,当分析山羊牛奶时发现两种方法之间没有显着差异。在两种类型的牛奶中,同时使用两种筛选试验,不同的分析基础增加了总检测范围,在某些情况下达到≥90%(羊的81.5-90.1%,山羊的84.7-92.6%)。然而,建议使用能够检测喹啉,大啰啉或氨基糖苷的筛选试验的定期使用,以便更有效的筛选,并确保牛奶和山羊的牛奶和乳制品的安全性。



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