
We Miss You, Allen




Now he belongs to the ages. —Attributed to Edwin M. Stanton, on the death of Abraham Lincoln It is with profound sadness that the American Journal of Sports Medicine and the Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine mark the passing of Allen Anderson, one of the most beloved and respected members of the world orthopaedic sports medicine community. The pain of our loss is only magnified by the sudden manner in which Allen was taken from us, following an accident on his Tennessee farm on November 12, 2017. Those of us in the AOSSM Medical Publishing Group have lost a leader, a friend, and a brother. While he maintained a busy private practice of orthopaedic surgery, Allen set aside time and resources to record his results meticulously and contribute abundantly to the fund of knowledge in sports medicine. Beginning with his first paper, ‘‘Anterior Calcaneal Osteotomy for Symptomatic Juvenile Pes Planus,’’ in 1984,~( 3 )his prolific research continued unabated through the present year.~( 15 )Allen was particularly interested in the welfare of young athletes, leading to important articles on the subjects of osteochondritis dissecans~( 5 , 8 – 10 )and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the skeletally immature patient.~( 2 )In an era when many American surgeons felt that randomized trials in orthopaedic surgery were unfeasible, Allen showed us that they could indeed be done.~( 7 )As chairman of the International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) for nearly 18 years, Allen played a pivotal role in developing and validating a patient-reported outcome score that has been used and cited in countless subsequent publications.~( 4 , 11 – 13 )The quality of Allen’s research was recognized with the Hughston Award in 2002~( 7 )and the O’Donoghue Award in 2014.~( 14 ) If the ‘‘80/20 rule’’ dictates that 20% of the members of an organization do 80% of the work, Allen was always among the 20% who contributed heavily to the success of several major orthopaedic sports medicine societies. His tenure as president of the AOSSM from 2015 to 2016 was the culmination of decades of service to the organization. Providentially, Allen was at the helm of the AOSSM to guide it through the critical process of selecting a new executive director. Allen’s participation was not confined to North America; internationally, he served on the boards of directors of both the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) and the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS). These efforts in support of the global sports medicine community, together with Allen’s selection as an AOSSM traveling fellow in 1989 and godfather in 2013, brought him many friends and admirers around the world. We were blessed to have Allen as a member of our AOSSM publishing family. Starting as a reviewer, he subsequently became a member of the AJSM editorial board and an associate editor for Current Concepts. In that capacity, he advised Tim Foster on the selection of review articles and served as a judge for the AJSM Systematic Review Award. This experience prepared him to be a guest editor of the AJSM supplement on articular cartilage repair in 2009.~( 6 )When we initiated OJSM in 2013, Allen was a logical choice for the inaugural editorial team. His thoughtful judgment and commonsense approach were instrumental in setting OJSM on the right path from its inception. Because of his special expertise as chairman of the IKDC, I often pressed Allen into extra service to evaluate manuscripts that dealt with the somewhat arcane process of outcome measure validation. Despite all these professional accomplishments, Allen never lost sight of what was most important in life. He and his wife, Candy, met while they were college students, and their 44-year love affair was an inspiration to all who knew them. Together, they raised 3 sons—an orthodontist, a stock broker, and an orthopaedic sports medicine specialist. Allen and his sons shared a passion for hunting and fishing that took them to some of the most exotic and remote regions of the globe. Closer to home, Allen found that performing manual labor on his farm near Nashville provided a refreshing respite from the stresses of medical practice. In a presidential address to the AOSSM that was filled with his typical self-deprecating humor, Allen described the personal faith journey that began following the death of his father and that formed the centerpiece of his life.~( 1 )Allen’s conduct always reflected the central commandment of his faith, loving the Lord and sharing love with his neighbors on earth. That love continuously shone forth from his gentle countenance. Allen’s benign demeanor was on full display at a consensus conference convened by the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne a few weeks before his death. As usual, when Allen promoted the concepts that he felt were correct, his gentle Tennessee twang never rose above a soft conversational volume; he never denigr
机译:现在他属于年龄段。 -Atributed in Edwin M. Stanton,关于亚伯拉罕林肯的死亡,它具有深刻的悲伤,美国的体育医学和骨科矫形医学术语标志着艾伦安德森的流逝,是最受欢迎和尊敬的成员之一世界骨科体育医学界。我们损失的痛苦仅在2017年11月12日在他的田纳西州农场造成的突然行动中,艾伦从我们那里取得了突然的方式放大。美国亚历夫医学出版集团的人失去了一个朋友,和一个兄弟。虽然他保持了繁忙的矫形外科的私人实践,但艾伦留出了时间和资源,以便精心记录他的结果,并对体育医学的知识基金大规模贡献。从他的第一篇论文开始,“对症状少年PES Planus的前骨质截骨术”,1984年,〜(3)他的多产研究通过今年持续不减。〜(15)艾伦对年轻运动员的福利特别感兴趣导致关于骨科性患者的骨闭菌炎〜(5,8-10)和前十字韧带重建的重要文章。〜(2)当许多美国外科医生认为整形外科手术中的随机试验是不可行的艾伦向我们展示了他们确实可以完成。〜(7)作为国际膝关节文件委员会主席(IKDC)近18年来,Allen在开发和验证使用的患者报告的结果分数方面发挥了关键作用并引用了无数的后续出版物。〜(4,11-13)艾伦研究的质量得到了2002年〜(7)和2014年奥多隆丘奖的休斯顿奖。〜(14)如果'''''' / 20规则''决定组织20%的成员执行80%的工作,艾伦始终是20%的20%,贡献了几个主要骨科体育医学社会的成功。他的任期于2015年至2016年亚斯数担任Aossm总裁,是对本组织的数十年服务的高潮。 viale,Allen是在AOSSM的掌舵处,指导它通过选择新的执行董事的关键过程。艾伦的参与并不局限于北美;在国际上,他曾在国际软骨修复会(ICRS)和国际关节镜,膝关系统和骨科体育医学(ISAKOS)的国际社会的董事会。这些努力支持全球体育医学界,与艾伦的选择作为1989年1989年和教父在2013年举行的亚洲人的选择,为他带来了许多世界各地的朋友和崇拜者。我们很幸运能成为艾伦作为我们亚兽刊出版家庭的成员。作为评论家开始,他随后成为AJSM编辑委员会的成员,以及目前概念的助理编辑器。在这种情况下,他建议蒂姆寄存在选择审查文章时,并担任AJSM系统审查奖的法官。这一经验使他成为2009年的AJSM补充的AJSM补充剂的嘉宾编辑。〜(6)当我们在2013年开始OJSM时,Allen是首届编辑团队的逻辑选择。他的周到判断和顽强的方法是有助于在从成立的正确路径上设定OJSM。由于他作为IKDC董事长的特殊专业知识,我经常将艾伦敦促额外服务,以评估处理若干术语措施验证的术语术语的稿件。尽管所有这些专业的成就,但艾伦从未忘记了生活中最重要的东西。他和他的妻子,糖果,在他们是大学生的时候,他们的44岁的爱情事件是对所有了解他们的所有人的灵感。他们在一起,他们筹集了3个儿子 - 一个正畸医生,股票经纪人和骨科体育医学专家。艾伦和他的儿子分享了对狩猎和钓鱼的热情,将它们带到全球最具异国情调和偏远地区的一些。艾伦靠近家,艾伦发现,在纳什维尔附近的农场表演手工劳动,从医疗实践的强调提供了清爽的喘息。在充满他典型的自我贬低幽默的亚历姆的总统地址中,艾伦描述了父亲死亡之后开始的个人信仰之旅,形成了他生命的核心。〜(1)艾伦的行为总是反映了他的信仰,爱主并与地球上的邻居分享爱情的核心诫命。从他的温柔的面容中持续不断地照亮。艾伦的良性风度在他去世前几周的国际奥林匹克委员会在洛桑召开的协商一致会议上全面展示。像往常一样,当艾伦促进他觉得他觉得正确的概念时,他温柔的田纳西州Twrang从未升级过柔软的会话量;他从不贬低



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