首页> 外文期刊>Research & Politics >Referenda as commitment devices – an experimental approach

Referenda as commitment devices – an experimental approach

机译:推荐作为承诺设备 - 一种实验方法



This research note evaluates the claim that referenda can serve as useful commitment devices in international negotiations. More specifically, we relied on individual-level survey data to test the claim that governments can successfully “tie their hands” to policy choices by calling referenda on political issues. Our empirical analysis relied on original survey data collected in April 2019 in Belize. In so doing, we took advantage of an unusual political event. On 8 May (shortly after our survey), Belizean citizens participated in a countrywide plebiscite. During this vote, they decided to send their country’s territorial dispute with Guatemala for adjudication to the International Court of Justice. From a research perspective, this event allowed us to assess the effect of disregarded referendum results in a highly salient political environment. Our experimental analysis suggested that individuals do reprimand their governments for failing to implement a majority vote (a) even if this choice precipitates a person’s favored substantive outcome, and (b) irrespective of an individual’s preferred party.
机译:该研究说明评估委托人可以作为国际谈判中有用的承诺设备的索赔。更具体地说,我们依赖个人级调查数据来测试各国政府可以通过致电政治问题调用委员会成功地将“双手捆绑”的政策选择。我们在2019年4月在伯利兹收集的原始调查数据依赖于原始调查数据。在这样做时,我们利用了一个不寻常的政治事件。 5月8日(我们的调查结束后不久),Berizean Citizens参加了一个全国性的歌谣。在此表决期间,他们决定将他们的国家与危地马拉的领土纠纷判处国际法院的判决。从研究角度来看,这一事件使我们能够评估忽视公投的效果导致产生高度突出的政治环境。我们的实验分析表明,个人谴责其各国政府,即使这种选择促进了一个人的有利的实质性结果,以及(b)而且无论个人的首选派对如何,也是如此。



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