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Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome a rare cause of post-partum headache: an anesthetic overview

机译:可逆的脑血管收缩综合征是Partum Partum Partum的罕见原因:麻醉概述



Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a cerebrovascular disorder leading to multifocal arterial constriction and dilation. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is possibly caused by transient deregulation of cerebral vascular tone. We report a rare case of a patient with chief complain of postpartum headache, was later diagnosed as a case of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. A young full term primigravida with good uterine contraction admitted to labour room. Later she complained of leaking per vagina and on examination meconium stained liquor was noted. Caesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia was done and intra-operative period was uneventful. Both mother and baby were normal and shifted to postoperative ward and nursery respectively. In postoperative ward, mother complained of severe headache after 1 h and later developed seizure. Midazolam was given intravenously and was intubated and transferred to critical care unit for further investigation and management. Non contrast computerised tomography scan of brain showed right occipital intracerebral as well as subarachnoid bleed. CT angiography showed right vertebral artery narrowing without any other vascular malformation. Patient was managed in critical care unit for 2 days and then extubated and shifted to high dependency ward after a day observation and discharged 3 days later after a full uneventful recovery.
机译:可逆的脑血管收缩综合征是一种脑血管疾病,导致多灶性动脉收缩和扩张。可逆的脑血管收缩综合征可能是由脑血管基调的瞬时放松抑制引起的。我们向罕见的患者报告了患有产后头痛的患者,后来被诊断为可逆的脑血管收缩综合征。一个年轻的全术语初级血脂,具有良好的子宫收缩入住劳动室。后来她抱怨每部阴道泄漏,并注意到检查膀胱染色液。脊柱麻醉下的剖腹产是已经完成的,并且手术内的时间是不行的。母亲和婴儿都正常,分别转向术后病房和苗圃。在术后病区,母亲在1小时后抱怨严重的头痛,后来发达癫痫发作。咪达唑仑被静脉内给药,并向关键护理单元提交并转移,以进一步调查和管理。非对比计算机断层摄影扫描脑显示出右枕骨脑内和蛛网膜下腔。 CT血管造影显示右椎动脉缩小,没有任何其他血管畸形。患者在关键护理单元中管理2天,然后在一天后观察后拔管并转移到高依赖病房,并在完全不平坦的恢复后3天后出院。



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