首页> 外文期刊>MLS Educational Research >Orienta??o para alunos DO Ensino Médio frente às crises emocionais e o bullying no espa?o escolar

Orienta??o para alunos DO Ensino Médio frente às crises emocionais e o bullying no espa?o escolar




This article seeks to discuss the Educational Guidance for adolescents on emotional crises, bullying and Human Rights Education. The epistemological option to approach the present theme comes from a concern that involves intellectual perception, as well as the synesthetic experience in the labor field. The central objective is limited by analyzing how the Educational Counselor can assist in health and stress prevention among high school adolescents.This investigation is based on the qualitative approach, comprising the different interpretative techniques, relativistic assumptions and verbal representation of data. The research field takes place in a State College. of Three Rivers, (Brazil).The research subjects were 30 students with ages ranging from 14 to 19 years, regularly enrolled and attending high school attended by the Educational Guidance, between 2018-2019, who presented the picture of emotional crises. Data collection was done through: observation and interviews. Data analysis occurred according to Minayo (2003, p. 74) who advocates for manifest content.The ethical aspects of the research met the assumptions of resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council. Result: It is concluded that the work of the EO at school is fundamental in welcoming students in emotional crises, since it can identify and prevent and refer them to the mental health service, thus maintaining a connection with the health centers in the city. of stressor prevention.
机译:本文旨在讨论情绪危机,欺凌和人权教育的青少年教育指导。接近本主题的认识论选项来自涉及智力感知的担忧,以及劳动领域的统计经验。通过分析教育辅导员如何协助高中青少年之间的健康和压力预防的限制。本文是基于定性方法,包括不同的解释技术,相对论的假设和数据的口头表示。研究领域发生在州立学院。三条河(巴西)。研究科目是30名,从14岁到19年的学生,经常注册和参加教育指导在2018 - 2019年之间参加的高中,介绍了情绪危机的图片。数据收集通过:观察和访谈完成。数据分析发生在Minayo(2003,第74页)倡导中倡导的表现内容。该研究的伦理方面符合国家卫生委员会第196/96号决议的假设。结果:得出结论是,校园在学校的工作是在情绪危机中欢迎学生的基础,因为它可以识别和预防并将其推荐给精神卫生服务,从而保持与该市的健康中心的联系。压力源预防。



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