首页> 外文期刊>EnvironmentAsia >Monitoring of Carbamate Insecticide Residues in Cucumbers Produced from Conventional and Greenhouse Farming Systems

Monitoring of Carbamate Insecticide Residues in Cucumbers Produced from Conventional and Greenhouse Farming Systems




The study was designed to investigate carbamate insecticide residues in cucumbers andsoil from two diff erent farming systems located in Phitsanulok, Thailand.Ten carbamateinsecticides were analyzed using the quick easy cheap eff ective rugged and safe (QuEChERS)multi-residue extraction, followed by high performance liquid chromatography coupledwith quadrupole time-of-fl ight mass spectrometry (HPLC-QTOF-MS). The results showedthe level of insecticide residues detected in cucumbers and soil from greenhouse farming,were at a lower level than those of conventional farming. Conventionally-farmed cucumberscontain methiocarb, methomyl, aldicarb sulfoxide, carbofuran and carbofuran-3-hydroxyranging from 0.437 to 1.721 mg/kg, which exceeds Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs),whereas greenhouse-farmed cucumbers contain less insecticide residue which ranges from0.132 to 0.439 mg/kg. The diff erence in the distribution patterns of insecticides in cucumbersand soil was detected from the study samples collected at a conventional farm. The levelof methiocarb contained in cucumbers and the level of methomyl contained in soil fromconventional farming were signifi cantly higher than that of insecticide levels in greenhousefarming by approximately 13-fold (p ? 0.05) and 3-fold (p ? 0.05), receptively. Our resultssuggested that residue of CIs contained in cucumbers and soil is aff ected by the two diff erentfarming systems. The reduction of insecticide use needs to be enhanced within agriculture,and the routine monitoring of them is necessary to increase public awareness of food safetyand the reduction of health risks associated with contaminated foods and the environment.
机译:该研究旨在调查来自位于Phitsanulok的两种差异养殖系统中的氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂残留物,使用快速容易廉价的Efceved和Safe(QueChers)多残基提取分析了泰国的两种不同的养殖系统中的黄瓜毒品系统中的两种差异养殖系统。随后进行了高性能液相色谱耦合,偶极轴的冲动量 - 质谱(HPLC-QTOF-MS)。结果表明,从温室养殖中,在黄瓜和土壤中检测到的杀虫剂残留水平,比传统农业的水平低。常规耕种黄瓜,甲氨基,醛甲基磺氧化亚甲醚,碳呋喃和碳呋喃-3-羟基羟基羟吡喃,超过最大残留水平(MRLS),而温室培养的黄瓜含有较少的杀虫剂残留物,其范围为0.132 0.439 mg / kg。从常规农场收集的研究样品中检测到黄瓜和土壤中杀虫剂分布模式的衍生术。从共同养殖中,土壤中包含的甲状腺素和土壤中含有的甲瘤水平均可高于绿色疗法水平的显着高于约13倍(P?0.05)和3倍(P?0.05),接受的杀虫剂水平。我们的结果,黄瓜和土壤中含有的CIS残留物被两种差异Ertefing系统得到了反应。需要在农业中减少杀虫剂使用,并且有必要提高农业内的常规监测,以提高公众对食品安全的认识,并减少与受污染的食物和环境相关的健康风险。



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