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A Radiographic Study Of Scaphoid Movement In A Conventional Short Arm Cast




It has been long debated whether inclusion of the thumb in a cast is necessary for scaphoid immobilization. This study aims to evaluate scaphoid movement in a conventional short arm cast with the thumb held in different positions using four standard radiographs. Four subjects (group A - control) were placed in short arm casts and radiographs taken with the thumb in a neutral position. Ten subjects (group B) were placed in short arm casts and radiographs taken with the thumb in abduction, adduction, flexion, and extension. The maximum amount of movement of the scaphoid between each thumb position was recorded for both groups. The mean maximum movement was compared using a student t-test. A mean maximum scaphoid movement of 1.06mm (sd 0.826) in group A and 2.35mm (sd 0.53) in group B. This was statistically significant with a p-value <0.002 using a student t-test. There have been numerous studies comparing short arm casts and short arm thumb spica casts. To date, there is no evidence supporting the inclusion of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint in scaphoid fractures and subsequent non-union. Within its limits, this paper has shown that with exclusion of the thumb, there is significant scaphoid movement. Introduction There have been numerous studies conducted on scaphoid fractures. There is debate on the best method treatment including long arm thumb spicas, short arm thumb spicas, conventional short arm casts or bandaging. There is no consensus on materials used for immobilisation, the position of the wrist in cast, duration in cast, or degree of displacement in the decision to proceed with surgery.There is postulation that micromotion of the scaphoid occurs with thumb movement and therefore, the thumb must be immobilised to minimise the risk of scaphoid non-union. But the carpus is a structure of intercalating, interlocking bones. Movement of a single carpal bone should be accompanied by movement of the entire carpus. By immobilising the carpus in a short arm cast, we seek to prevent scaphoid movement. Morbidity from stiffness of the first carpometacarpal joint can be prevented and freedom of thumb movement allows for overall greater hand function.To date, there is no study on scaphoid movement in a conventional short arm cast with different thumb positions. Methods After obtaining ethics committee approval and informed consent, 14 healthy individual subjects aged between 18 and 34 were enrolled into the study. Four subjects were allocated to the control group (Group A) and 10 to the experimental group (Group B).All subjects had moulded conventional short arm fibreglass casts with the wrist in neutral.Four radiographs were obtained from subjects in group B with the thumb in maximal abduction, extension, flexion and neutral. Four radiographs were taken in an identical manner from subjects in group A with the thumb in resting position and without movement between the radiographs.The radiographs were performed by a senior radiographer onto a standard x-ray plate. The pronated forearm was resting on a foam bed with the same distance from the x-ray plate for all subjects.An outline of the carpal bones and wrist were obtained from all radiographs using a sharp lead pencil and tracing paper. The tracings of the distal ends of the radius and ulna for each individual were identical between radiographs. This was used as a reference point for comparisons.The maximum distance between the tracings of the scaphoid in the four radiographs of each individual was recorded. All measurements were done using a precision ruler to the nearest 0.25mm. This was thought to be the maximum quantative measure of Scaphoid movement. The mean figure for each group was calculated and the means analysed for statistical difference using the standard student t-test. Results Maximal scaphoid movement in Group A and B are shown in table 1. The average movement is 1.06 ± 0.826 (95% CI 0.5773 – 1.548) for Group A and 2.35 ± 0.530 (95% CI 2.043 – 2.657) for Group B
机译:它已经很久争论了是否需要在演员中包含拇指是必要的,以便寄生体固定。本研究旨在使用四个标准射线照片在不同位置保持拇指的传统短臂铸造中的透析运动。将四个受试者(A-Control)放置在短臂铸件和射线照片中,在中立位置处用拇指拍摄。将十个受试者(B组)放入短臂铸件和X型射线照片中,拇指在绑架,内收,屈曲和延伸。对两个组记录每个拇指位置之间的散留量之间的最大移动量。使用学生T检验进行比较平均最大运动。 B组中A和2.35mm(SD 0.53)中为1.06mm(SD 0.826)的平均最大散热体运动,B组中的2.35mm(SD 0.53)。如果使用学生T检验,这与P值<0.002有统计学意义。有许多研究比较短臂铸造和短臂拇指Spics演员。迄今为止,没有证据表明支持拇指Metacarpophalangeal关节在婴儿表骨折和随后的非联盟中。在其限制内,本文表明,由于拇指排除,存在显着的储蓄运动。简介在脱湿骨质骨折上进行了许多研究。有关最佳方法处理的辩论,包括长臂拇指Spicas,短臂拇指Spicas,常规短臂铸造或包扎。没有达成用于固定的材料,手腕在施放,持续时间的位置或决定继续进行手术的持续程度。假设透视图的微调随着拇指运动而发生的,因此必须固定拇指以最大限度地减少透析非联盟的风险。但是腕骨是嵌入互锁骨骼的结构。单个腕骨的运动应伴随整个腕骨的运动。通过将腕部固定在短臂上,我们试图防止储蓄运动。可以防止第一次咀嚼点关节的刚度的发病率,并且可以防止拇指运动允许整体更大的手功能。迄今为止,在传统的短臂上施放不同的拇指位置,没有关于散文运动的研究。方法在获得道德委员会批准和知情同意后,14名18至34岁的健康个别受试者纳入该研究。将四个受试者分配给对照组(A组)和10到实验组(B组)。所有受试者已经用中性的手腕铸造了常规的短臂玻璃纤维铸造。用拇指从B组中的受试者获得射线照片。在最大绑架,延伸,屈曲和中性。用拇指在静息位置和射线照片之间的拇指中与拇指的对象相同的方式拍摄四个射线照片。射线照片由高级放射线手进行到标准X射线板上。第二个子前臂在泡沫床上靠在泡沫床上,距离所有受试者的X射线板相同的距离。腕骨骨骼和手腕的概要从使用锋利的铅笔和追踪纸的所有射线照相中获得。 X线片之间的半径和尺骨的远端的描绘在X线片之间是相同的。这被用作比较的参考点。记录每个单独的四个射线照片中的婴儿表的描绘之间的最大距离。所有测量都使用精密标尺进行到最接近的0.25mm。这被认为是散文运动的最大量化量度。计算每组的平均值,并使用标准学生T检验分析统计差异的手段。结果A组和B组的最大型散热体运动如表1所示。A组的平均运动为1.06±0.826(95%CI 0.573-1.548),B组的2.35±0.530(95%CI 2.043 - 2.657)



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