首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Effects of PM 2.5 on Third Grade Students’ Proficiency in Math and English Language Arts

Effects of PM 2.5 on Third Grade Students’ Proficiency in Math and English Language Arts

机译:PM 2.5对数学和英语艺术熟练熟练的影响



Fine particulate air pollution is harmful to children in myriad ways. While evidence is mounting that chronic exposures are associated with reduced academic proficiency, no research has examined the frequency of peak exposures. It is also unknown if pollution exposures influence academic proficiency to the same degree in all schools or if the level of children’s social disadvantage in schools modifies the effects, such that some schools’ academic proficiency levels are more sensitive to exposures. We address these gaps by examining the percentage of third grade students who tested below the grade level in math and English language arts (ELA) in Salt Lake County, Utah primary schools ( n = 156), where fine particulate pollution is a serious health threat. More frequent peak exposures were associated with reduced math and ELA proficiency, as was greater school disadvantage. High frequency peak exposures were more strongly linked to lower math proficiency in more advantaged schools. Findings highlight the need for policies to reduce the number of days with peak air pollution.
机译:细粒度空气污染对无数方式的儿童有害。虽然证据正在安装慢性暴露与学术熟练程度降低相关,但没有研究过峰曝光的频率。如果污染暴露会影响所有学校的学历或学校中儿童的社会劣势水平改变了这种影响,这也是未知的,这使得一些学校的学业熟练程度对暴露更敏感。我们通过检查犹他州盐湖县(N = 156)的数学和英语艺术(ELA)低于数学和英语艺术(ELA)低于年级水平的三年级学生的百分比来解决这些差距,其中细颗粒污染是严重的健康威胁。更频繁的数学和ELA熟练程度,更频繁的峰曝光与更高的学校劣势有关。高频峰曝光与更优势学校的数学熟练程度较低。调查结果强调了政策需要减少峰值空气污染的天数。



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