首页> 外文期刊>Animals >Investigating the Role of the Eurasian Badger ( Meles meles ) in the Nationwide Distribution of the Western European Hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ) in England

Investigating the Role of the Eurasian Badger ( Meles meles ) in the Nationwide Distribution of the Western European Hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ) in England

机译:调查欧亚獾(MELES MELES)在英国西欧刺猬(ERINACEUS OUREAEUS)在英国的全国范围内的作用



Biodiversity is declining globally, which calls for effective conservation measures. It is, therefore, important to investigate the drivers behind species presence at large spatial scales. The Western European hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ) is one of the species facing declines in parts of its range. Yet, drivers of Western European hedgehog distribution at large spatial scales remain largely unknown. At local scales, the Eurasian badger ( Meles meles ), an intraguild predator of the Western European hedgehog, can affect both the abundance and the distribution of the latter. However, the Western European hedgehog and the Eurasian badger have shown to be able to co-exist at a landscape scale. We investigated whether the Eurasian badger may play a role in the likelihood of the presence of the Western European hedgehog throughout England by using two nationwide citizen science surveys. Although habitat-related factors explained more variation in the likelihood of Western European hedgehog presence, our results suggest that Eurasian badger presence negatively impacts the likelihood of Western European hedgehog presence. Intraguild predation may, therefore, be influencing the nationwide distribution of hedgehogs in England, and further research is needed about how changes in badger densities and intensifying agricultural practices that remove shelters like hedgerows may influence hedgehog presence.
机译:生物多样性在全球下降,呼吁有效的保护措施。因此,在大型空间尺度下调查物种存在背后的司机是很重要的。西欧刺猬(Erinaceus Ouropaeus)是其范围内部面临下降的物种之一。然而,大型空间尺度的西欧刺猬分布的驱动程序仍然很大程度上是未知数。在当地的尺度,欧亚獾(Meles Meles)是西欧刺猬的intraiduild捕食者,可以影响大量和后者的分布。然而,西欧刺猬和欧亚獾已经证明能够以景观量表共存。我们调查了欧亚獾在全国范围的公民调查中,欧亚獾在西欧刺猬在西欧刺猬的可能性中起作用。虽然栖息地相关因素在西欧刺猬存在的可能性中解释了更多的变化,但我们的结果表明,欧亚獾的存在对西欧刺猬的可能性产生负面影响。因此,Intrazuild捕食可能会影响英格兰刺猬的全国范围内,并且需要进一步研究獾密度如何改变,并强化移除Hedgerows等庇护所可能影响刺猬的存在。



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