首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Microbiology >Butterflies Extracts Show Antibacterial Activity

Butterflies Extracts Show Antibacterial Activity




Extracts of several British butterfly species were tested and shown to possess powerful bactericidal activity against gram-positive bacteria (tested on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis). The active compounds in the grass-feeding species were identified as hydroxylated pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) related to loline with nitrogen at C-1. Lolines are known insecticidal and insect-deterrent compounds that are produced in grasses infected by endophytic fungal symbionts. Lolines also increase resistance of endophyte-infected grasses to insect herbivores. The butterfly-isolated pyrrolizidine alkaloids appear to be novel and non-toxic to human cells such as HaCat human skin keratinocytes and Hep-2 human epithelial cells. The discovery of novel agents from butterflies could lead to the development of new antimicrobials.
机译:测试了几种英国蝴蝶物种的提取物,并显示出对革兰氏阳性细菌的强大杀菌活性(在金黄色葡萄球菌和芽孢杆菌蒽氏菌中测试)。基于C-1的卤素与卤素有关的羟基化的吡咯戊啶生物碱(PAS)被鉴定为羟基化的吡咯烷类生物碱(PAS)。罗琳斯是已知的杀虫和昆虫威慑化合物,其在被内皮肌油真菌共生感染的草地中产生。 LLINELES还增加了内心感染的草对昆虫草病毒的抵抗力。蝴蝶 - 分离的吡咯烷类生物碱对于人体细胞似乎是新的和无毒的人体细胞,如Hacat人体皮肤角蛋白细胞和Hep-2人上皮细胞。从蝴蝶的新药发现的发现可能导致新的抗微生物的发展。



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