首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Building Education >Una aproximación educativa al aparejo en los edificios históricos como elemento estructural y formal del patrimonio arquitectónico = An educational approach to the bonding of walls as a structural and formal element of architectural heritage.

Una aproximación educativa al aparejo en los edificios históricos como elemento estructural y formal del patrimonio arquitectónico = An educational approach to the bonding of walls as a structural and formal element of architectural heritage.




This research is aimed to carry out a detailed identification of the external forces (natural and human factors of deterioration) and internal (building materials) which affect the bonding of walls in historical buildings. From this point of view, the structure of a building can be defined as a stable combination of elements which are conceived as a whole, in order to bear and transmit the pertinent loads to the ground in a safe manner and without exceeding the resistance limits of each one of these elements. According to this approach, relations between both types of forces will be studied, considering that internal forces have the purpose of counteracting the external ones in order to preserve the structural balance of a building. The appropriate understanding of these relations will allow to make up a methodological approach to operate on the bonding of walls in historical buildings, from the respect to its authenticity as structural and formal elements of architectural heritage. In this sense, respect to authenticity can only be achieved doing research on the building techniques and materials which were used in the time which a specific historical building belongs to, which facilitates to carry out the restoration and restructuration process of architectural heritage preserving its historical and artistic values. Given that structure differentiates architecture from the other arts, every operation on architectural heritage must start from the idea that structural elements accomplish a practical function, making a crucial contribution to preserve a building through ages, but they can also have an aesthetic function, expressing the artistic values of the time which they belong to. This idea has been reflected in history of architecture from the classical Greece, in a way that the structural elements of each time have become symbols of its architecture. In the development of this task, a problem can always be solved in different manners which are equally acceptable, because the attention and the effort which are invested in formal problems, beyond the requirements of structure calculation, overtake the sphere of mere technique and provide artistic values in an intentional or accidental way.



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