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Eco-aesthetic dimensions: Herbert Marcuse, ecology and art




In his last book, The Aesthetic Dimension (1978), Marcuse argued that a concern for aesthetics is justified when political change is unlikely. But the relation between aesthetics and politics is oblique: “Art cannot change the world, but it can contribute to changing the consciousness … of the men and women who could change the world.” (p. 33). Marcuse also linked his critique of capitalism to environmentalism in the early 1970s: “the violation of the Earth is a vital aspect of the counterrevolution.” (Ecology and Revolution, in The New Left and the 1960s , Collected Papers 3, 2005, p. 173). This article revisits Marcuse’s ideas on aesthetics and ecology, and reviews two recent art projects which engage their audiences in ecological issues: The Jetty Project (2014) by Wolfgang Weileder—which used recycled material and community participation to construct a temporary monument within a wider conservation project on the Tyne, N-E England—and Fracking Futures by HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen)—which turned the interior of the gallery at FACT, Liverpool, into what appeared to be a fracking site. The aim is not to evaluate the projects, nor to test the efficacy of Marcuse’s ideas, more to ask again whether art has a role in a shift of attitude which might contribute to dealing with the political and economic causes of climate change.
机译:在他的最后一本书中,审美维度(1978年),Marcuse认为,当政治变革不太可能时,对美学的关注是合理的。但美学与政治之间的关系是倾斜的:“艺术不能改变世界,但它可以促进改变可能改变世界的男人和女人的意识......” (第33页)。 Marcuse还将他的对资本主义的批评与环境主义联系在20世纪70年代初的环境保护中:“违反地球的行为是反革命的一个重要方面。” (生态和革命,在新的左和20世纪60年代,收集了文件3,2005,p.173)。本文重新利用MARCUSES关于美学和生态学的想法,并评论最近的两个艺术项目,这些项目在生态问题中参与了他们的观众: Wolfgang Weileder的码头项目(2014) - 使用回收物质和社区参与建设内部临时纪念碑在泰恩河畔泰恩(Ne England-and By Hehe(Helen Evans和Heiko Hansen)上的一个更广泛的保护项目 - 事实上,利物浦的画廊内部变成了似乎是一个皱眉的网站。目的不是评估项目,也不是为了测试马库斯的想法的效果,更多要求艺术在态度的转变方面有可能有助于处理气候变化的政治和经济原因的作用。



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